//this example combines tthe Bare Conductive TouchBoard with ML5 neural //network classifyer code.
//neural network methods forked from
It requires a slightly adapted DataStream code to be uplaoded to the TouchBoard first so it works with WebUSB
found here -->
// The neural network is the brain
let brain;
// Interface
let dataButton;
let dataLabel;
let trainButton;
let classificationP;
let labelB = '';
let labelA = '';
let labelC = '';
//let labelD = '';
let confA = 0;
let confB = 0;
let confC = 0;
//let confD = 0;
//define electrodes to be used
var firstElectrode = 1; //start at one ignore first String
var lastElectrode = 11; //use if you do not want all electrodes in use.
//remeber to update the inputs if you change the lastElectrode ID.
var totalInputs=10; //how many electrode inputs?
let classificationResult;
let confidence;
let sample = 0;
let pressed = false;
let classifierLabel;
let training = false;
let lastTraining = false;
let recording = false;
let font;
function preload() {
font = loadFont('SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf');
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(650, 400);
// classificationP = createP('waiting to train model');
samplesP = createP('waiting for samples');
samplesP.position(130, 60);
// Create ethe model
const options = {
inputs: totalInputs, // add each electron
outputs: 3, // add amount of output labels
debug: true,
task: 'classification'
brain = ml5.neuralNetwork(options);
// Train the model
function trainModel() {
let options = {
epochs: 25
brain.train(options, finishedTraining);
// When the model is trained
function finishedTraining() {
// Classify
function classify() {
let inputs = getInputs();
brain.classify(inputs, gotResults);
// Got a result
function gotResults(error, results) {
if (error) {
// Log output
classificationResult = results[0].label;
confidence = results[0].confidence;
updateClassification(results); //filter results
// Classify again
function updateClassification(results) {
//filter the results
var idA = results.filter(function(e) {
return e.label == 'A';
labelA = idA[0].label;
confA = idA[0].confidence;
var idB = results.filter(function(e) {
return e.label == 'B';
labelB = idB[0].label;
confB = idB[0].confidence;
//comment in and out for less/more options
var idC = results.filter(function(e) {
return e.label == 'C';
// console.log(idC[0].confidence);
labelC = idC[0].label;
confC = idC[0].confidence;
//add extrra classification label filter
var idD = results.filter(function(e) {
return e.label == 'D';
// console.log(idB[0].confidence);
labelD = idD[0].label;
confD = idD[0].confidence;
function getInputs() {
let inputs = [];
for (let i = firstElectrode; i < lastElectrode; i++) {
inputs.push(float(filteredData[i])); //data needs to be float for training!!!
// console.log(inputs);
return inputs;
// Add a data record
function addExample() {
samplesP.html('samples: ' + sample++); //see amount of samples collected.
let inputs = getInputs();
// Get frequency
let target = classifierLabel;
// Add data
brain.addData(inputs, [target]);
function draw() {
//handle incoming data
controlsCheck(); //gui controls
//comment in to display text of filttered data
//display electrode visuals.
// fill(255);
// textSize(18);
// text(classificationResult, 50, 300);
////////////////// ADD YOUR INTTERACTION !!!!! ///////////////////////////
//check classification results
// if (classificationResult === "A") {
// fill(255, 0, 0, 100);
// ellipse(75, 350, 50, 50);
// }
// if (classificationResult === "B") {
// fill(0, 255, 0, 100);
// ellipse(75, 350, 50, 50);
// }
function controlsCheck() {
if (training !== lastTraining) { //don't continuously train!
if (training) {
// console.log('training');
lastTraining = training;
if (recording) {
addExample(); //add samples if button checked