//Forked from Andreas Refsgaard.
//requires the Basic AnalogReadSerial example loaded onto an Arduino Board.
//Can stream 1 incoming value to be trained. Such as a light sensor
// The neural network is the brain
let brain;
// Declare a "SerialPort" object
let serial;
let latestData = "waiting for data"; // you'll use this to write incoming data to the canvas
let sensorValueInt = 0;
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(256, 256);
// Only when clicking on the canvas
// Create the model
const options = {
inputs: ['sensorValue'],
outputs: ['label'], // TODO: support ['label']
debug: true,
task: 'classification'
brain = ml5.neuralNetwork(options);
// Train Model button
// Instantiate our SerialPort object
serial = new p5.SerialPort();
// Get a list the ports available
// You should have a callback defined to see the results
// Assuming our Arduino is connected, let's open the connection to it
//!!!!!!! CHECK THIS !!!!
// Change this to the name of your arduino's serial port
// Here are the callbacks that you can register
// When we connect to the underlying server
serial.on('connected', serverConnected);
// When we get a list of serial ports that are available
serial.on('list', gotList);
// OR
// When we some data from the serial port
serial.on('data', gotData);
// OR
// When or if we get an error
serial.on('error', gotError);
// OR
// When our serial port is opened and ready for read/write
serial.on('open', gotOpen);
// OR
serial.on('close', gotClose);
// Callback to get the raw data, as it comes in for handling yourself
//serial.on('rawdata', gotRawData);
// OR
// Add a data record
function addData() {
// Get frequency
let label = select('#label').value();
// Add data
brain.addData({sensorValue:sensorValueInt}, {label});
// Train the model
function trainModel() {
// ml5 will normalize data to a range between 0 and 1 for you.
// Train the model
// Epochs: one cycle through all the training data
brain.train({ epochs: 100 }, finishedTraining);
// When the model is trained
function finishedTraining() {
brain.classify([sensorValueInt], gotResults);
// Got a result
function gotResults(error, results) {
if (error) {
// Show classification
// Predict again
brain.classify([sensorValueInt], gotResults);
function serverConnected() {
print("Connected to Server");
// Got the list of ports
function gotList(thelist) {
print("List of Serial Ports:");
// theList is an array of their names
for (let i = 0; i < thelist.length; i++) {
// Display in the console
print(i + " " + thelist[i]);
// Connected to our serial device
function gotOpen() {
print("Serial Port is Open");
function gotClose(){
print("Serial Port is Closed");
latestData = "Serial Port is Closed";
//Oh, here is an error, let's log it
function gotError(theerror) {
// There is data available to work with from the serial port
function gotData() {
let currentString = serial.readLine(); // read the incoming string
trim(currentString); // remove any trailing whitespace
if (!currentString) return; // if the string is empty, do no more
console.log(currentString); // print the string
latestData = currentString; // save it for the draw method
sensorValueInt = int(latestData);
// We got raw from the serial port
function gotRawData(thedata) {
print("gotRawData" + thedata);
function draw() {
if (mouseIsPressed) {
let label = select('#label').value();
text("Adding training data for " + label + ": " + sensorValueInt, 10, 50);
} else {