// Ball moves up from bottom of screen and animates down
// By Jon Froehlich
let mic;
let xCircle;
let yCircle;
let yGravity = 3;
let diameter = 30;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
// Initialize the microphone.
// See
mic = new p5.AudioIn();
xCircle = width / 2;
yCircle = height - diameter / 2;
fill(200, 0, 0, 200);
function draw() {
// background(220, 220, 220, 10);
// get current microphone level
let micLevel = mic.getLevel(); // between 0 and 1
// map the mic level to a y pixel location on the canvas
let newYCircle = map(micLevel, 0, 1, height, 0);
// if newYCircle is less than yCircle, a new loud
// sound was heard, so set yCircle = newYCircle
if(newYCircle < yCircle){
yCircle = newYCircle;
// Otherwise, animate the current circle positiond downwards
yCircle += yGravity;
// Check to see if the circle made it to the bottom of the screen
if(yCircle + diameter / 2 > height){
yCircle = height - diameter/2;
// the size of the circle proportional to mic level
// let diameter = map(micLevel, 0, 1, 5, maxDiameter);
circle(xCircle, yCircle, diameter);