// This program auto-generates colorful circle artwork
// Jon E. Froehlich
let xCircle = 0;
let yCircle = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 600);
// Switch color mode to HSB rather than RGB
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 1);
xCircle = width / 2;
yCircle = height / 2;
function draw() {
// Do *not* erase the background on ever draw pass
// background(220);
// Map the x-location of the circle to a color
let hue = map(xCircle, 0, width, 0, 360);
// Set the paintbrush color
fill(hue, 70, 100, 0.2);
// Move the circle points
let xPrev = xCircle;
let yPrev = yCircle;
let maxRandHalf = 50;
xCircle += random(-maxRandHalf, maxRandHalf);
yCircle += random(-maxRandHalf, maxRandHalf);
// If the circle points are off the screen, move them to the center
if(xCircle > width || xCircle < 0){
xCircle = width / 2;
if(yCircle < 0 || yCircle > height){
yCircle = height / 2;
// Set the diameter of the circle based on travel distance
let diam = dist(xCircle, yCircle, xPrev, yPrev);
// Draw the circle
circle(xCircle, yCircle, diam);