// I am using Piskel to generate the source image.
// For more info, refer to
// Note: the r vale of the center pixel is slightly differnt. I that have a different color at the center creates a better pattern, but I did not want this to be visually obvious.
// Source image
let sourceImage;
// Tiles extracted from the source image
let tiles;
// Grid of cells for the Wave Function Collapse algorithm
let grid;
// Refactored variables names
// Number of cells along one dimension of the grid
let GRID_SIZE = 25;
// Maximum depth for recursive checking of cells
// Size of each tile (3x3 by default)
let TILE_SIZE = 3;
let w;
function preload() {
sourceImage = loadImage("images/ocean.png");
//sourceImage = loadImage("images/heart.png");
function setup() {
createCanvas(1100, 500);
background(255, 0, 0)
// Cell width based on canvas size and grid size
w = width / (2*GRID_SIZE);
// Extract tiles and calculate their adjacencies
tiles = extractTiles(sourceImage);
n = tiles.length;
for (let tile of tiles) {
// Create the grid
// Perform initial wave function collapse step
// The WFC function only collapses one cell at a time
// This extra bit collapses any other cells that can be
for (let cell of grid) {
if (cell.options.length == 1) {
cell.collapsed = true;
reduceEntropy(grid, cell, 0);
function initializeGrid() {
grid = [];
// Initialize the grid with cells
let count = 0;
for (let j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE; j++) {
for (let i = 0; i < GRID_SIZE; i++) {
grid.push(new Cell(tiles, i * w, j * w, w, count));
function draw() {
// Show the grid
for (let i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
// Reset all cells to "unchecked"
grid[i].checked = false;
renderImage(sourceImage, width/2, 0, 50);
// Run Wave Function Collapse
// The Wave Function Collapse algorithm
function wfc() {
// Calculate entropy for each cell
for (let cell of grid) {
// Find cells with the lowest entropy (simplified as fewest options left)
// Thie refactored method to find the lowest entropy cells avoids sorting
let minEntropy = Infinity;
let lowestEntropyCells = [];
for (let cell of grid) {
if (!cell.collapsed) {
if (cell.options.length < minEntropy) {
minEntropy = cell.options.length;
lowestEntropyCells = [cell];
} else if (cell.options.length === minEntropy) {
// We're done if all cells are collapsed!
if (lowestEntropyCells.length == 0) {
// Randomly select one of the lowest entropy cells to collapse
const cell = random(lowestEntropyCells);
cell.collapsed = true;
// Choose one option randomly from the cell's options
const pick = random(cell.options);
// If there are no possible tiles that fit there!
if (pick == undefined) {
console.log("ran into a conflict");
// Set the final tile
cell.options = [pick];
// Propagate entropy reduction to neighbors
reduceEntropy(grid, cell, 0);
// Collapse anything that can be?
for (let cell of grid) {
if (cell.options.length == 1) {
cell.collapsed = true;
reduceEntropy(grid, cell, 0);
function reduceEntropy(grid, cell, depth) {
// Stop propagation if max depth is reached or cell already checked
if (depth > MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH || cell.checked) return;
// Mark cell as checked
cell.checked = true;
let index = cell.index;
let i = floor(index % GRID_SIZE);
let j = floor(index / GRID_SIZE);
// Update neighboring cells based on adjacency rules
if (i + 1 < GRID_SIZE) {
let rightCell = grid[i + 1 + j * GRID_SIZE];
if (checkOptions(cell, rightCell, EAST)) {
reduceEntropy(grid, rightCell, depth + 1);
if (i - 1 >= 0) {
let leftCell = grid[i - 1 + j * GRID_SIZE];
if (checkOptions(cell, leftCell, WEST)) {
reduceEntropy(grid, leftCell, depth + 1);
if (j + 1 < GRID_SIZE) {
let downCell = grid[i + (j + 1) * GRID_SIZE];
if (checkOptions(cell, downCell, SOUTH)) {
reduceEntropy(grid, downCell, depth + 1);
// UP
if (j - 1 >= 0) {
let upCell = grid[i + (j - 1) * GRID_SIZE];
if (checkOptions(cell, upCell, NORTH)) {
reduceEntropy(grid, upCell, depth + 1);
function checkOptions(cell, neighbor, direction) {
// Check if the neighbor is valid and not already collapsed
if (neighbor && !neighbor.collapsed) {
// Collect valid options based on the current cell's adjacency rules
let validOptions = [];
for (let option of cell.options) {
validOptions = validOptions.concat(tiles[option].neighbors[direction]);
// Filter the neighbor's options to retain only those that are valid
neighbor.options = neighbor.options.filter((elt) =>
return true;
} else {
return false;
function mousePressed() {