// The basic code is from:
// Wolfram Elementary CA
// The Coding Train / Daniel Shiffman
// Design inspired by Sunny Image of Rule 110 (1997), Igor Bakshee //
// Rulesets
// Array to store the state of each cell.
let cells = [];
// Rule value
// 57, 86, 109, 150, 181, 182
let ruleValue = 182;
// The ruleset string
let ruleSet;
// Width of each cell in pixels
let w = 16;
// y-position
let y = 0;
let circles = [];
// function mousePressed() {
// save('img.png');
// }
function setup() {
//createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
createCanvas(780 + w/2, 400);
// Convert the rule value to a binary string.
ruleSet = ruleValue.toString(2).padStart(8, "0");
// Calculate the total number of cells based on canvas width.-
let total = width / w;
// Initialize all cells to state 0 (inactive).
for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
cells[i] = 0;
// Set the middle cell to state 1 (active) as the initial condition.
cells[floor(total / 2)] = 1;
circles.push(new Swirl(w));
background(12, 71, 103);
y = w / 2;
function draw() {
// Draw each cell based on its state.
for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
let x = w/2+ i * w;
if (cells[i] === 1) {
circles[i].show(x, y);
// Move to the next row.
y += w;
// Prepare an array for the next generation of cells.
let nextCells = [];
// Iterate over each cell to calculate its next state.
let len = cells.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Calculate the states of neighboring cells
let left = cells[(i - 1 + len) % len];
let right = cells[(i + 1) % len];
let state = cells[i];
// Set the new state based on the current state and neighbors.
let newState = calculateState(left, state, right);
nextCells[i] = newState;
// Update the cells array for the next generation.
cells = nextCells;
function calculateState(a, b, c) {
// Create a string representing the state of the cell and its neighbors.
let neighborhood = "" + a + b + c;
// Convert the string to a binary number
let value = 7 - parseInt(neighborhood, 2);
// Return the new state based on the ruleset.
return parseInt(ruleSet[value]);