let x, y;
let xSpeed, ySpeed;
let circleColor;
let angle = 0;
let squareSize = 100;
let squareX, squareY;
let squareXSpeed = 2;
let squareYSpeed = 3;
let stripeOffset = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(590, 550);
background(48, 25, 52);
// Initial position of the circle at the center
x = width / 2;
y = height / 2;
// Initial position of the square at the center
squareX = width / 2;
squareY = height / 2;
// Set initial speed values for the circle
xSpeed = 3;
ySpeed = 2;
// Set initial color to yellow
circleColor = color(255, 255, 0); // Yellow color
function draw() {
// Draw semi-transparent background to create fading shadow effect
background(48, 25, 52, 25); // The last parameter controls the opacity to leave the trace
drawVerticalStripes(); // Call the function to draw animated vertical stripes
// Draw and move the rotating square, with bouncing behavior
push(); // Save current drawing state
translate(squareX, squareY); // Move the origin to the square's current position
rotate(radians(angle)); // Rotate by the angle (converted to radians)
fill(255); // Set fill color to white
noStroke(); // No outline
rectMode(CENTER); // Set rectMode to center
rect(0, 0, squareSize, squareSize); // Draw a square with size 100x100
pop(); // Restore the previous drawing state
// Increment the angle for clockwise rotation
angle += 2; // Increase the angle for rotation
// Update the position of the square
squareX += squareXSpeed;
squareY += squareYSpeed;
// Check for collision with the edges of the canvas for the square
if (squareX > width - squareSize / 2 || squareX < squareSize / 2) {
squareXSpeed *= -1; // Reverse horizontal direction
changeSquareSize(); // Change the size of the square
if (squareY > height - squareSize / 2 || squareY < squareSize / 2) {
squareYSpeed *= -1; // Reverse vertical direction
changeSquareSize(); // Change the size of the square
// Draw the bouncing circle with movement shadow trace
fill(circleColor); // Set fill color to current circle color
noStroke(); // Remove the outline of the circle
ellipse(x, y, 50, 50); // Draw the circle with a diameter of 50
// Update the position of the circle
x += xSpeed;
y += ySpeed;
// Check for collision with the edges of the canvas for the circle
if (x > width - 25 || x < 25) { // 25 is the radius of the circle (half of diameter)
xSpeed *= -1; // Reverse horizontal direction
changeCircleColor(); // Change color
if (y > height - 25 || y < 25) {
ySpeed *= -1; // Reverse vertical direction
changeCircleColor(); // Change color
// Update the offset to shift the vertical stripes
stripeOffset += 2; // Adjust this value to control the speed of the shifting
function changeSquareSize() {
// Change the square size to a random value between 50 and 150
squareSize = random(50, 150);
function changeCircleColor() {
// Change the color to a random color
circleColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
function drawVerticalStripes() {
stroke(255, 255, 0); // Set the stroke color to yellow
strokeWeight(4); // Set the width of the stripes
// Draw vertical stripes with shifting offset
for (let i = stripeOffset % 20; i < width; i += 20) {
line(i, 0, i, height);