let gB, fullRes, windowRes;
function setup() {
windowRes = min(windowWidth, windowHeight);
createCanvas(windowRes, windowRes);
gB = createGraphics((fullRes = 1024), fullRes);
gB.colorMode(HSB, 360);
function polygonSine(angle, sides) {
let segmentAngle = TAU / sides; // Angle per polygon segment
let segmentIndex = floor(angle / segmentAngle); // Index of the segment the angle falls into
let interpolationFactor =
(angle - segmentIndex * segmentAngle) / segmentAngle; // Fractional position within the segment
let sineStart = sin(segmentIndex * segmentAngle); // Sine value at the start of the segment
let sineEnd = sin((segmentIndex + 1) * segmentAngle); // Sine value at the end of the segment
return sineStart * (1 - interpolationFactor) + sineEnd * interpolationFactor; // Linear interpolation
function polygonCosine(angle, sides) {
let segmentAngle = TAU / sides;
let segmentIndex = floor(angle / segmentAngle);
let interpolationFactor =
(angle - segmentIndex * segmentAngle) / segmentAngle;
let cosineStart = cos(segmentIndex * segmentAngle);
let cosineEnd = cos((segmentIndex + 1) * segmentAngle);
return (
cosineStart * (1 - interpolationFactor) + cosineEnd * interpolationFactor
function draw() {
gB.strokeWeight(fullRes * 0.005);
let gridSize = 32;
let polygonSides = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i += 1) {
for (let j = 0; j < gridSize; j += 1) {
let offset = 0.1 * (i + j + frameCount);
// Shift to the right place on the canvas, with a bit of border
map(i, 0, gridSize - 1, 0.1 * fullRes, 0.9 * fullRes),
map(j, 0, gridSize - 1, 0.1 * fullRes, 0.9 * fullRes)
// Basically drawing a circle here: radius * cos/sin of the angle,
// but the functions constrain it to a line between the polygon's points
64 * polygonCosine(offset, polygonSides),
64 * polygonSine(offset, polygonSides)
function displayBuffer(buffer) {
image(buffer, windowRes / 2, windowRes / 2, windowRes, windowRes);
function windowResized() {
windowRes = min(windowWidth, windowHeight);
resizeCanvas(windowRes, windowRes);