// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5
// This software is released under the MIT License.
/* eslint prefer-destructuring: ["error", {AssignmentExpression: {array: false}}] */
/* eslint no-await-in-loop: "off" */
* BodyPix: Real-time Person Segmentation in the Browser
* Ported and integrated from all the hard work by:
import * as tf from '@tensorflow/tfjs';
import * as bp from '@tensorflow-models/body-pix';
import callCallback from '../utils/callcallback';
import p5Utils from '../utils/p5Utils';
const DEFAULTS = {
"multiplier": 0.75,
"outputStride": 16,
"segmentationThreshold": 0.5,
"returnTensors": false,
class BodyPix {
* Create BodyPix.
* @param {HTMLVideoElement} video - An HTMLVideoElement.
* @param {object} options - An object with options.
* @param {function} callback - A callback to be called when the model is ready.
constructor(video, options, callback) { = video;
this.model = null;
this.modelReady = false;
this.modelPath = ''
this.config = {
multiplier: options.multiplier || DEFAULTS.multiplier,
outputStride: options.outputStride || DEFAULTS.outputStride,
segmentationThreshold: options.segmentationThreshold || DEFAULTS.segmentationThreshold,
palette: options.palette || DEFAULTS.palette,
returnTensors: options.returnTensors || DEFAULTS.returnTensors
this.ready = callCallback(this.loadModel(), callback);
* Load the model and set it to this.model
* @return {this} the BodyPix model.
async loadModel() {
this.model = await bp.load(this.config.multiplier);
this.modelReady = true;
return this;
* Returns an rgb array
* @param {Object} a p5.Color obj
* @return {Array} an [r,g,b] array
/* eslint class-methods-use-this: "off" */
p5Color2RGB(p5ColorObj) {
const regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;
const match = regExp.exec(p5ColorObj.toString('rgb'));
const [r, g, b] = match[1].split(',')
return [r, g, b]
* Returns a p5Image
* @param {*} tfBrowserPixelImage
async convertToP5Image(tfBrowserPixelImage, segmentationWidth, segmentationHeight) {
const blob1 = await p5Utils.rawToBlob(tfBrowserPixelImage, segmentationWidth, segmentationHeight);
const p5Image1 = await p5Utils.blobToP5Image(blob1);
return p5Image1
* Returns a bodyPartsSpec object
* @param {Array} an array of [r,g,b] colors
* @return {object} an object with the bodyParts by color and id
/* eslint class-methods-use-this: "off" */
bodyPartsSpec(colorOptions) {
const result = colorOptions !== undefined || Object.keys(colorOptions).length >= 24 ? colorOptions : this.config.palette;
// Check if we're getting p5 colors, make sure they are rgb
if (p5Utils.checkP5() && result !== undefined && Object.keys(result).length >= 24) {
// Ensure the p5Color object is an RGB array
Object.keys(result).forEach(part => {
if (result[part].color instanceof window.p5.Color) {
result[part].color = this.p5Color2RGB(result[part].color);
} else {
result[part].color = result[part].color;
return result;
* Segments the image with partSegmentation, return result object
* @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} imageToSegment -
* takes any of the following params
* @param {object} segmentationOptions - config params for the segmentation
* includes outputStride, segmentationThreshold
* @return {Object} a result object with image, raw, bodyParts
async segmentWithPartsInternal(imgToSegment, segmentationOptions) {
// estimatePartSegmentation
await this.ready;
await tf.nextFrame();
if ( && === 0) {
await new Promise(resolve => { = () => resolve();
this.config.palette = segmentationOptions.palette || this.config.palette;
this.config.outputStride = segmentationOptions.outputStride || this.config.outputStride;
this.config.segmentationThreshold = segmentationOptions.segmentationThreshold || this.config.segmentationThreshold;
const segmentation = await this.model.estimatePartSegmentation(imgToSegment, this.config.outputStride, this.config.segmentationThreshold);
const bodyPartsMeta = this.bodyPartsSpec(this.config.palette);
const colorsArray = Object.keys(bodyPartsMeta).map(part => bodyPartsMeta[part].color)
const result = {
raw: {
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
partMask: null
tensor: {
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
partMask: null,
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
partMask: null,
bodyParts: bodyPartsMeta
result.raw.backgroundMask = bp.toMaskImageData(segmentation, true);
result.raw.personMask = bp.toMaskImageData(segmentation, false);
result.raw.partMask = bp.toColoredPartImageData(segmentation, colorsArray);
const {
} = tf.tidy(() => {
let normTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(imgToSegment);
// create a tensor from the input image
const alpha = tf.ones([segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]).tile([1, 1, 1]).mul(255)
normTensor = normTensor.concat(alpha, 2)
// create a tensor from the segmentation
let maskPersonTensor = tf.tensor(, [segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]);
let maskBackgroundTensor = tf.tensor(, [segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]);
let partTensor = tf.tensor([], [segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 4]);
// multiply the segmentation and the inputImage
maskPersonTensor = tf.cast(maskPersonTensor.add(0.2).sign().relu().mul(normTensor), 'int32')
maskBackgroundTensor = tf.cast(maskBackgroundTensor.add(0.2).sign().neg().relu().mul(normTensor), 'int32')
// TODO: handle removing background
partTensor = tf.cast(partTensor, 'int32')
return {
personMask: maskPersonTensor,
backgroundMask: maskBackgroundTensor,
partMask: partTensor
const personMaskPixels = await tf.browser.toPixels(personMask);
const bgMaskPixels = await tf.browser.toPixels(backgroundMask);
const partMaskPixels = await tf.browser.toPixels(partMask);
// otherwise, return the pixels
result.personMask = personMaskPixels;
result.backgroundMask = bgMaskPixels;
result.partMask = partMaskPixels;
// if p5 exists, convert to p5 image
if (p5Utils.checkP5()) {
result.personMask = await this.convertToP5Image(personMaskPixels, segmentation.width, segmentation.height)
result.backgroundMask = await this.convertToP5Image(bgMaskPixels, segmentation.width, segmentation.height)
result.partMask = await this.convertToP5Image(partMaskPixels, segmentation.width, segmentation.height)
if (!this.config.returnTensors) {
} else {
// return tensors
result.tensor.personMask = personMask;
result.tensor.backgroundMask = backgroundMask;
result.tensor.partMask = partMask;
return result;
* Segments the image with partSegmentation
* @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} optionsOrCallback -
* takes any of the following params
* @param {object} configOrCallback - config params for the segmentation
* includes palette, outputStride, segmentationThreshold
* @param {function} cb - a callback function that handles the results of the function.
* @return {function} a promise or the results of a given callback, cb.
async segmentWithParts(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) {
let imgToSegment =;
let callback;
let segmentationOptions = this.config;
// Handle the image to predict
if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') {
imgToSegment =;
callback = optionsOrCallback;
// clean the following conditional statement up!
} else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback;
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement ||
optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||
optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (!( instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) {
// Handle unsupported input
throw new Error(
'No input image provided. If you want to classify a video, pass the video element in the constructor. ',
if (typeof configOrCallback === 'object') {
segmentationOptions = configOrCallback;
} else if (typeof configOrCallback === 'function') {
callback = configOrCallback;
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
callback = cb;
return callCallback(this.segmentWithPartsInternal(imgToSegment, segmentationOptions), callback);
* Segments the image with personSegmentation, return result object
* @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} imageToSegment -
* takes any of the following params
* @param {object} segmentationOptions - config params for the segmentation
* includes outputStride, segmentationThreshold
* @return {Object} a result object with maskBackground, maskPerson, raw
async segmentInternal(imgToSegment, segmentationOptions) {
await this.ready;
await tf.nextFrame();
if ( && === 0) {
await new Promise(resolve => { = () => resolve();
this.config.outputStride = segmentationOptions.outputStride || this.config.outputStride;
this.config.segmentationThreshold = segmentationOptions.segmentationThreshold || this.config.segmentationThreshold;
const segmentation = await this.model.estimatePersonSegmentation(imgToSegment, this.config.outputStride, this.config.segmentationThreshold)
const result = {
raw: {
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
tensor: {
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
personMask: null,
backgroundMask: null,
result.raw.backgroundMask = bp.toMaskImageData(segmentation, true);
result.raw.personMask = bp.toMaskImageData(segmentation, false);
// TODO: consider returning the canvas with the bp.drawMask()
// const bgMaskCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// bgMaskCanvas.width = segmentation.width;
// bgMaskCanvas.height = segmentation.height;
// bp.drawMask(bgMaskCanvas, imgToSegment, result.maskBackground, 1, 3, false);
// const featureMaskCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
// featureMaskCanvas.width = segmentation.width;
// featureMaskCanvas.height = segmentation.height;
// bp.drawMask(featureMaskCanvas, imgToSegment, result.maskPerson, 1, 3, false);
// result.backgroundMask = bgMaskCanvas;
// result.featureMask = featureMaskCanvas;
const {
} = tf.tidy(() => {
let normTensor = tf.browser.fromPixels(imgToSegment);
// create a tensor from the input image
const alpha = tf.ones([segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]).tile([1, 1, 1]).mul(255)
normTensor = normTensor.concat(alpha, 2)
// normTensor.print();
// create a tensor from the segmentation
let maskPersonTensor = tf.tensor(, [segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]);
let maskBackgroundTensor = tf.tensor(, [segmentation.height, segmentation.width, 1]);
// multiply the segmentation and the inputImage
maskPersonTensor = tf.cast(maskPersonTensor.neg().add(1).mul(normTensor), 'int32')
maskBackgroundTensor = tf.cast(maskBackgroundTensor.mul(normTensor), 'int32')
return {
personMask: maskPersonTensor,
backgroundMask: maskBackgroundTensor,
const personMaskPixels = await tf.browser.toPixels(personMask);
const bgMaskPixels = await tf.browser.toPixels(backgroundMask);
// if p5 exists, convert to p5 image
if (p5Utils.checkP5()) {
result.personMask = await this.convertToP5Image(personMaskPixels, segmentation.width, segmentation.height)
result.backgroundMask = await this.convertToP5Image(bgMaskPixels, segmentation.width, segmentation.height)
} else {
// otherwise, return the pixels
result.personMask = personMaskPixels;
result.backgroundMask = bgMaskPixels;
if (!this.config.returnTensors) {
} else {
result.tensor.personMask = personMask;
result.tensor.backgroundMask = backgroundMask;
return result;
* Segments the image with personSegmentation
* @param {HTMLImageElement | HTMLCanvasElement | object | function | number} optionsOrCallback -
* takes any of the following params
* @param {object} configOrCallback - config params for the segmentation
* includes outputStride, segmentationThreshold
* @param {function} cb - a callback function that handles the results of the function.
* @return {function} a promise or the results of a given callback, cb.
async segment(optionsOrCallback, configOrCallback, cb) {
let imgToSegment =;
let callback;
let segmentationOptions = this.config;
// Handle the image to predict
if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') {
imgToSegment =;
callback = optionsOrCallback;
// clean the following conditional statement up!
} else if (optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLImageElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement ||
optionsOrCallback instanceof ImageData) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback;
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && (optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLImageElement ||
optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ||
optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof ImageData)) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.canvas instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.canvas; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object' && optionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
imgToSegment = optionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle p5.js image
} else if (!( instanceof HTMLVideoElement)) {
// Handle unsupported input
throw new Error(
'No input image provided. If you want to classify a video, pass the video element in the constructor. ',
if (typeof configOrCallback === 'object') {
segmentationOptions = configOrCallback;
} else if (typeof configOrCallback === 'function') {
callback = configOrCallback;
if (typeof cb === 'function') {
callback = cb;
return callCallback(this.segmentInternal(imgToSegment, segmentationOptions), callback);
const bodyPix = (videoOrOptionsOrCallback, optionsOrCallback, cb) => {
let video;
let options = {};
let callback = cb;
if (videoOrOptionsOrCallback instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
video = videoOrOptionsOrCallback;
} else if (
typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'object' &&
videoOrOptionsOrCallback.elt instanceof HTMLVideoElement
) {
video = videoOrOptionsOrCallback.elt; // Handle a p5.js video element
} else if (typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'object') {
options = videoOrOptionsOrCallback;
} else if (typeof videoOrOptionsOrCallback === 'function') {
callback = videoOrOptionsOrCallback;
if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'object') {
options = optionsOrCallback;
} else if (typeof optionsOrCallback === 'function') {
callback = optionsOrCallback;
const instance = new BodyPix(video, options, callback);
return callback ? instance : instance.ready;
export default bodyPix;