// array which stores the two shades of purple for the leaves
let leafColors = ["#963990", "#4B2454"];
class Leaf {
// x0 and y0 specify the center of the cluster of leaves (one of the 3 clusters)
constructor(x0, y0, clusterWidth, clusterHeight) {
// using a separate variable for the initial position of x since xPos will
// always be changing in draw() and this will cause abrupt behavior in the
// leaf's x-movement if used along with noise inside move()
// positioning initialX, xPos, and yPos within the cluster
this.initialX = random(x0 - clusterWidth, x0 + clusterWidth);
this.xPos = random(x0 - clusterWidth, x0 + clusterWidth);
this.yPos = random(y0 - clusterHeight, y0 + clusterHeight);
// random width and height for the leaves
this.width = random(10, 20);
this.height = random(10, 15);
// random y speed
this.ySpeed = random(0.5, 2);
// variables for x-noise
this.xoff = 0.0;
this.xincrement = 0.01;
// to check if the leaf has fallen beneath the canvas
this.alive = true;
// leaf only falls when this is true
this.fall = false;
// choosing a random shade of purple from the two specified in the global array
this.color = leafColors[int(random(0, 2))];
// for the leaf's falling movement
move() {
// only make the leaf fall if the fall attribute of the object is true
if (this.fall) {
// giving some noise in the x direction to give a natural feel while falling
this.xPos = this.initialX + noise(this.xoff) * 100;
this.xoff += this.xincrement;
// incrementing y to make the leaf fall vertically
this.yPos += this.ySpeed;
// to check for collisions of leaves with the bottom of the canvas
checkForCollisions() {
// check if the leaf has fallen beneath the canvas
if (
this.xPos <= -15 ||
this.xPos >= width + 15 ||
this.yPos >= height + 15
) {
this.alive = false;
// attempting to make the leaf stop when it hits the pot
// it does stop but the noise at the end causes it to end on a slightly abrupt position
// if (this.yPos >= 535 && this.xPos <= 425 && this.xPos >= 175) {
// this.ySpeed = 0;
// this.xoff = 0;
// }
// drawing the leaf
draw() {
ellipse(this.xPos, this.yPos, this.width, this.height);
// drawing the window frame
function drawWindow() {
rect(50, 250, 20, 500);
rect(180, 250, 20, 500);
rect(420, 250, 20, 500);
rect(300, 150, 500, 20);
rect(550, 250, 20, 500);
rect(300, 500, 520, 100);
rect(300, 550, 250, 40);
// drawing the beautiful moon
function drawMoon() {
circle(300, 120, 420);
circle(300, 120, 350);
// aesthetic light purple sky
function drawSky() {
rect(300, 200, 500, 500);
// beziers for the Japanese tree trunk
function drawTrunk() {
bezier(300, 550, 200, 400, 450, 450, 350, 300);
bezier(320, 420, 100, 300, 300, 450, 150, 220);
// drawing pot over the trunk
rect(300, 550, 250, 40);
rect(300, 730, 150, 400);
// array to store all the leaf objects
let leaves = [];
// setting number of leaves of the tree
let numLeaves = 600;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
// populating the array with leaf objects
// cluster 1: topmost
for (let i = 0; i < numLeaves - 400; i++) {
leaves[i] = new Leaf(170, 220, 80, 30);
// cluster 2: bottom-most
for (let i = numLeaves - 400; i < numLeaves - 200; i++) {
leaves[i] = new Leaf(200, 380, 90, 30);
// cluster3: rightmost
for (let i = numLeaves - 200; i < numLeaves; i++) {
leaves[i] = new Leaf(420, 280, 100, 40);
function draw() {
// drawing all the leaves and removing the ones which have reached the bottom of the canvas
for (let i = leaves.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!leaves[i].alive) {
leaves.splice(i, 1);
// choosing a random leaf to fall every 20 frames
// if the leaves[] array becomes empty, it causes an error because the length is 0 but
// the 0th element doesn't exist anymore so we provide a check for that as well
if (frameCount % 25 == 0 && leaves.length != 0) {
// choosing a random leaf index to make it fall from the tree
index = int(random(0, leaves.length));
// check if the leaf at the random index is alive and present inside the array
if (leaves[index].alive) {
// if yes then make the leaf fall
leaves[index].fall = true;
// to confirm if the array objects are being deleted