// Try pressing the RIGHT ARROW KEY, LEFT ARROW KEY, AND THE 'a' key - Play with colors like a PIANO.
// Declaring of Variables
// x & y positions of the animations
let xPos, yPos;
// x & y increments in the respective directions
let xInc=0, yInc=0;
// The starting direction of change in the x & y directions
let xIncrement =1, yIncrement =0;
// to keep a track of the color changes with the key presses
let redColorCounter = 0,blueColorCounter = 0, yellowColorCounter = 0;
// variables to keep track of speed in x & y directions
let xSpeed=7, ySpeed=3;
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500);
function draw() {
// To increment the movement along the x-axis
// Increasing x when there is still space in the x-axis
xInc = xInc +xSpeed;
// Start decreasing x when we reach one end of the canvas, and move in the other end
xInc = xInc -xSpeed;
// To check if the end of canvas in the x direction has been reached
if(xInc >=500 && xIncrement ==1){
xIncrement = 0;
else if (xInc <=0){
xIncrement = 1;
// To increment the movement along the y-axis
// Approach is similar to the x direction movement
yInc = yInc +ySpeed;
yInc = yInc -ySpeed;
if(yInc >=500 && yIncrement ==1){
yIncrement = 0;
else if (yInc <=0){
yIncrement = 1;
// A loop to draw the different squares
for (let i = 0; i<230; i=i+20)
// Fill with the dark backgrounds in the pyramid style
// To add the different colors with the key presses, such that they are added in an incremental way
// For the Red Color
if (i==redColorCounter){
// For the Blue Color
if(i == blueColorCounter){
fill(0, 0, 255);
// For the Yellow Color
if(i == yellowColorCounter){
fill(255, 255, 0);
// Changing xPosition and the yPosition of the squares
xPos = i*(map(xInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
yPos = i*(map(yInc, 250, 500, 1.0, 1.9))
rect(xPos,yPos, 500-(i*2))
// Make the colors 'climb' the different squares in the animation
// Function for the keyPressed
// Starts off
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) {
redColorCounter = 0;
if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) {
blueColorCounter = 0;
if (keyCode === 65) {
yellowColorCounter = 0;