let mic
let bgcolor
// all the things characterizing the images
var xs = new Array()
var ys = new Array()
var healths = new Array()
var imgdisplay = new Array()
// an actual list of images
var imgs = new Array()
N = 3
var alive = N*N;
borderWidth = 10
imageWidth = 100
jittersize = 100
small_jittersize = 10
maxHealth = 255
deltaHealth = 50
imagechangefreq = 300
let curri
let currj
//var killedis = new Array()
//var killedjs = new Array()
function preload() {
// this gets all the images from some source. need to figure out how to do this right.
for (i = 1; i<=18; i++) {
imgs.push(loadImage('' + i + '.jpeg'));
/* imgs.push( loadImage(''));
function resizeImages() {
// now I should make sure they are all square. if they aren't take a square bit from the middle
for (i = 0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
eff_w = imgs[i].width;
eff_h = imgs[i].height;
if (imgs[i].width > imgs[i].height) {
eff_w = imgs[i].height;
else {
eff_h = imgs[i].width;
// now resize it correctly
imgs[i] = imgs[i].get((imgs[i].width-eff_w)/2,(imgs[i].height-eff_h)/2,eff_w,eff_h);
function setup() {
let cnv = createCanvas(500, 500);
bgcolor = color(0,0,0);
mic = new p5.AudioIn();
// load in the images
// initialize the arrays
for (i = 0; i<N; i++) {
xs.push(new Array(N));
ys.push(new Array(N));
healths.push(new Array(N));
imgdisplay.push(new Array(N));
// now fill the things:
for (i = 0; i<N; i++) {
for (j = 0; j<N; j++) {
xs[i][j] = i*(imageWidth+borderWidth);
ys[i][j] = j*(imageWidth+borderWidth);
healths[i][j] = maxHealth;
imgdisplay[i][j] = floor(random(imgs.length));
// pick the first news image to perturb
curri = floor(random(N));
currj = floor(random(N));
function draw() {
micLevel = mic.getLevel();
for (i = 0; i< N; i++) {
for (j = 0; j <N; j++) {
// do we want to change the image? only do it if itsnt the current wiggly one.
if (floor(random(imagechangefreq)) == 1 && !(i==curri && j ==currj))
imgdisplay[i][j] = floor(random(imgs.length));
// adjust the jitter
deltaX = random(micLevel*small_jittersize);
deltaY = random(micLevel*small_jittersize);
if (i==curri && j ==currj) {
deltaX = random(micLevel*jittersize);
deltaY = random(micLevel*jittersize);
//xs[i][j] = xs[i][j] + random(micLevel*jittersize)-micLevel*jittersize/2;
//ys[i][j] = ys[i][j] + random(micLevel*jittersize)-micLevel*jittersize/2;
healths[i][j] -= random(micLevel*deltaHealth);
// if we have killed it, move on
if (healths[i][j] <= 0) {
// add it to the list of dead ones
// now find a living one to pass it on to.
while (healths[curri][currj]<=0 && alive > 0) {
//print("In the loop");
curri = floor(random(N));
currj = floor(random(N));
// fade the image
image(imgs[imgdisplay[i][j]], xs[i][j]+deltaX, ys[i][j]+deltaY, imageWidth, imageWidth);
//now put on something that fades it with the right color
square(xs[i][j]+deltaX, ys[i][j]+deltaY,imageWidth)