// The Nature of Code
// Daniel Shiffman
// Genetic Algorithm, Evolving Shakespeare
// Demonstration of using a genetic algorithm to perform a search
// setup()
// # Step 1: The Population
// # Create an empty population (an array or ArrayList)
// # Fill it with DNA encoded objects (pick random values to start)
// draw()
// # Step 1: Selection
// # Create an empty mating pool (an empty ArrayList)
// # For every member of the population, evaluate its fitness based on some criteria / function,
// and add it to the mating pool in a manner consistant with its fitness, i.e. the more fit it
// is the more times it appears in the mating pool, in order to be more likely picked for reproduction.
// # Step 2: Reproduction Create a new empty population
// # Fill the new population by executing the following steps:
// 1. Pick two "parent" objects from the mating pool.
// 2. Crossover -- create a "child" object by mating these two parents.
// 3. Mutation -- mutate the child's DNA based on a given probability.
// 4. Add the child object to the new population.
// # Replace the old population with the new population
// # Rinse and repeat
// Mutation rate
let mutationRate = 0.01;
// Population Size
let populationSize = 150;
// Population array
let population = [];
// Target phrase
let target = "to be or not to be";
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 240);
//{!3} Step 1: Initialize Population
for (let i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
population[i] = new DNA(target.length);
function draw() {
// Step 2: Selection
//{!3} Step 2a: Calculate fitness.
for (let phrase of population) {
// Step 2b: Build mating pool.
let matingPool = [];
for (let phrase of population) {
//{!4} Add each member n times according to its fitness score.
let n = floor( * 100);
for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) {
// Step 3: Reproduction
for (let i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
let partnerA = random(matingPool);
let partnerB = random(matingPool);
// Step 3a: Crossover
let child = partnerA.crossover(partnerB);
// Step 3b: Mutation
//{!1} Note that we are overwriting the population with the new
// children. When draw() loops, we will perform all the same
// steps with the new population of children.
population[i] = child;
let everything = "";
for (let i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
everything += population[i].getPhrase() + " ";
text(everything, 12, 0, width, height);