let wR = 242;
let wG = 240;
let wB = 235;
let bgR, bgG, bgB;
let shape1X = 0;
let shape1Y = 0;
let slider;
let w;
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);
slider = createSlider(0, 10, 5);
// slider.position(10, 10);"width", "600px");
function draw() {
background(bgR, bgG, bgB);
// 1,2,3 & 1,2,3
// 1,4,3 & 1,2,3
// 1,4,3 & 1,4,3
// 6,4,3 & 6,4,3
// 6,2,3 & 6,2,3
// 4,8 & 4,8
// 2,8 & 2,8
// 2,7,9 & 2,7,9
// 4,7,9 & 2,3,9
// 2,4,8 & 2,8
// 6,2,9 & 6,2,9
// 1==6==9
// 2==4
// 3==7
// 8
// defining the pixel size which will be uniform across all motifs
let num = slider.value();
// let num = map(mouseX,0,width,0,10)
w = map(mouseY, 0, height, 2, 10);
// purple RGB 118, 43, 114
// bgR = 166;
// bgG = 36;
// bgB = 60;
// orange RGB 203, 88, 25
// bg colour based on mouseY position
// if(mouseY>=0&&mouseY<height/3){
// bgR=203
// bgG=88
// bgB=25
// }else if (mouseY>=height/3&&mouseY<height*2/3){
// bgR = 166;
// bgG = 36;
// bgB = 60;
// }else{
// bgR = 118;
// bgG = 43;
// bgB = 114;
// }
// RGB 166, 31, 67
// RGB 217, 75, 43
// RGB 115, 24, 16
// mapping colour to mouse Y
// creating a brick repeat pattern
for (r = 0; r <= width; r += 28 * w) {
for (s = 0; s <= height; s += 28 * w) {
if (num == 0) {
shape1(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 1) {
shape1(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 2) {
shape1(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 3) {
shape6(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 4) {
shape6(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 5) {
shape9(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 6) {
shape9(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape7(r, s);
} else if (num == 7) {
shape2(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else if (num == 9) {
shape4(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else if (num == 8) {
shape4(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else {
shape6(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
for (r = -14 * w; r <= width; r += 28 * w) {
for (s = -14 * w; s <= height; s += 28 * w) {
if (num == 0) {
shape1(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 1) {
shape1(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 2) {
shape1(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 3) {
shape6(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 4) {
shape6(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
} else if (num == 5) {
shape9(r, s);
shape4(r, s);
shape7(r, s);
} else if (num == 6) {
shape9(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape7(r, s);
} else if (num == 7) {
shape2(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else if (num == 9) {
shape4(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else if (num == 8) {
shape4(r, s);
shape8(r, s);
} else {
shape6(r, s);
shape2(r, s);
shape3(r, s);
// }
// else{
// for (r = 0; r <= width; r+=28*w) {
// for (s = 0; s <= height; s += 14 * w) {
// // row(r,s)
// shape1(r, s);
// shape2(r, s);
// shape3(r, s);
// }
// }
//display grid for working
// push();
// for (i = 0; i < width; i += 5) {
// for (j = 0; j < height; j += 5) {
// stroke(bgR + 20, bgG + 20, bgB + 20);
// strokeWeight(0.1);
// line(i, 0, i, height);
// line(0, j, width, j);
// }
// }
// pop();
function shape1(x, y) {
translate(x, y);
// for (i = 0; i <= w * 11; i += 2 * w) {
// for (j = w * 11; j >= w; j -= 2 * w) {
// rect(0,0,i,j);
// }
// }
fill(wR, wG, wB);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w, w * 13);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 3, w * 11);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 5, w * 9);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 7, w * 7);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 9, w * 5);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 11, w * 3);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 13, w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w, w * 11);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 3, w * 9);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 5, w * 7);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 7, w * 5);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 9, w * 3);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 11, w);
// for(i=9*w;i<=w*9;i+=(2*w)){
// rect(0,0,i)
// }
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(0, 0, w * 3);
rect(0, 0, w * 5, w);
rect(0, 0, w, w * 5);
fill(bgR, bgG, bgB);
square(0, 0, w);
function shape2(x, y) {
let shape2X = shape1X + 14 * w;
let shape2Y = shape1Y;
// twoFan()
// let y = 7 * w;
translate(x, y);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(shape2X, shape2Y, 7 * w);
for (i = 0; i < 7 * w; i += w * 4) {
for (j = 0; j < 7 * w; j += w * 4) {
square(shape2X - 2 * w + i, shape2Y - 2 * w + j, w * 3);
fill(bgR, bgG, bgB);
square(shape2X, shape2Y, w);
function shape3(x, y) {
translate(x, y);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w * 5, w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w * 5, w);
square(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w);
square(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w);
function fan() {
// for(i=3*w;i>=(-3.5*w);i-=w){
// }
let shape2X = shape1X + 14 * w;
let shape2Y = shape1Y;
fill(wR, wG, wB);
rect(shape2X - 3 * w, shape2Y, w, 13 * w);
rect(shape2X - 2 * w, shape2Y, w, 11 * w);
rect(shape2X - w, shape2Y, w, 9 * w);
rect(shape2X + w, shape2Y, w, 9 * w);
rect(shape2X + 2 * w, shape2Y, w, 11 * w);
rect(shape2X + 3 * w, shape2Y, w, 13 * w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y - 3 * w, 13 * w, w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y - 2 * w, 11 * w, w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y - w, 9 * w, w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y + 3 * w, 13 * w, w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y + 2 * w, 11 * w, w);
rect(shape2X, shape2Y + w, 9 * w, w);
function shape4(x, y) {
let shape4X = shape1X + 14 * w;
let shape4Y = shape1Y;
translate(x, y);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
// fill(0)
// rect(0,0,)
// pop()
fill(bgR, bgG, bgB);
square(shape4X + 3 * w, shape4Y + 3 * w, w);
square(shape4X + 2 * w, shape4Y + 2 * w, w);
square(shape4X + w, shape4Y + w, w);
rect(shape4X, shape4Y, w, w * 11);
rect(shape4X, shape4Y, w * 11, w);
square(shape4X - w, shape4Y - w, w);
square(shape4X - 2 * w, shape4Y - 2 * w, w);
square(shape4X - 3 * w, shape4Y - 3 * w, w);
square(shape4X - w, shape4Y + w, w);
square(shape4X - 2 * w, shape4Y + 2 * w, w);
square(shape4X - 3 * w, shape4Y + 3 * w, w);
square(shape4X + 3 * w, shape4Y - 3 * w, w);
square(shape4X + 2 * w, shape4Y - 2 * w, w);
square(shape4X + w, shape4Y - w, w);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(shape4X, shape4Y, w);
function shape6(x, y) {
translate(x, y);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
rect(3 * w, 5 * w, 3 * w, w);
rect(3 * w, -5 * w, 3 * w, w);
rect(-3 * w, 5 * w, 3 * w, w);
rect(-3 * w, -5 * w, 3 * w, w);
rect(5 * w, 3 * w, w, 3 * w);
rect(5 * w, -3 * w, w, 3 * w);
rect(-5 * w, 3 * w, w, 3 * w);
rect(-5 * w, -3 * w, w, 3 * w);
square(-6 * w, -w, w);
square(-6 * w, w, w);
square(-6 * w, -w, w);
square(-7 * w, 0, w);
square(-w, -6 * w, w);
square(w, -6 * w, w);
square(-w, -6 * w, w);
square(0, -7 * w, w);
square(-w, 6 * w, w);
square(w, 6 * w, w);
square(-w, 6 * w, w);
square(0, 7 * w, w);
square(6 * w, -w, w);
square(6 * w, w, w);
square(6 * w, -w, w);
square(7 * w, 0, w);
square(3 * w, 3 * w, 3 * w);
square(-3 * w, -3 * w, 3 * w);
square(-3 * w, 3 * w, 3 * w);
square(3 * w, -3 * w, 3 * w);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(2 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(2 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(w, w, w);
square(0, 0, w);
square(-w, -w, w);
square(-w, w, w);
square(w, -w, w);
function shape7(x, y) {
translate(x, y);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w * 5, w);
square(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, 3 * w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w * 5, w);
square(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, 3 * w);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w);
square(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w);
function shape8(x, y) {
translate(x, y);
square(shape1X, shape1Y, 7 * w);
square(shape1X - 5 * w, shape1Y - 5 * w, 3 * w);
square(shape1X - 5 * w, shape1Y + 5 * w, 3 * w);
square(shape1X + 5 * w, shape1Y - 5 * w, 3 * w);
square(shape1X + 5 * w, shape1Y + 5 * w, 3 * w);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 5, w);
square(shape1X, shape1Y, 3 * w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w, 5 * w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y, w * 5, w);
square(shape1X, shape1Y, 3 * w);
rect(shape1X - 4 * w, shape1Y, w, 15 * w);
rect(shape1X + 4 * w, shape1Y, w, 15 * w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y - 4 * w, w * 15, w);
rect(shape1X, shape1Y + 4 * w, 15 * w, w);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 7 * w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y + 7 * w, w, 7 * w);
rect(shape1X - 7 * w, shape1Y - 7 * w, 7 * w, w);
rect(shape1X + 7 * w, shape1Y - 7 * w, 7 * w, w);
fill(bgR, bgG, bgB);
square(shape1X - w, shape1Y, w);
square(shape1X + w, shape1Y, w);
square(shape1X, shape1Y + w, w);
square(shape1X, shape1Y - w, w);
function shape9(x, y) {
translate(x + 14 * w, y + 14 * w);
fill(wR, wG, wB);
square(2 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(2 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(4 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(4 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(-4 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(-4 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(2 * w, 4 * w, w);
square(2 * w, -4 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, 4 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, -4 * w, w);
square(4 * w, 4 * w, w);
square(4 * w, -4 * w, w);
square(-4 * w, 4 * w, w);
square(-4 * w, -4 * w, w);
square(5 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(5 * w, -3 * w, w);
square(-5 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(-5 * w, -3 * w, w);
square(3 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(3 * w, -3 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, -3 * w, w);
square(3 * w, 5 * w, w);
square(3 * w, -5 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, 5 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, -5 * w, w);
square(0, 5 * w, w);
square(5 * w, 0, w);
square(-5 * w, 0, w);
square(0, -5 * w, w);
square(-6 * w, -w, w);
square(-6 * w, w, w);
square(-6 * w, -w, w);
square(-7 * w, 0, w);
square(-w, -6 * w, w);
square(w, -6 * w, w);
square(-w, -6 * w, w);
square(0, -7 * w, w);
square(-w, 6 * w, w);
square(w, 6 * w, w);
square(-w, 6 * w, w);
square(0, 7 * w, w);
square(6 * w, -w, w);
square(6 * w, w, w);
square(6 * w, -w, w);
square(7 * w, 0, w);
square(3 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(3 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, 2 * w, w);
square(-3 * w, -2 * w, w);
square(2 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(2 * w, -3 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, 3 * w, w);
square(-2 * w, -3 * w, w);
rect(3 * w, 0, 3 * w, w);
rect(-3 * w, 0, 3 * w, w);
rect(0, -3 * w, w, 3 * w);
rect(0, 3 * w, w, 3 * w);
square(0, 0, 3 * w);
square(w, w, w);
square(0, 0, w);
square(-w, -w, w);
square(-w, w, w);
square(w, -w, w);
// function twoFan() {
// // fan1
// noStroke();
// fan();
// // fan2
// push();
// angleMode(DEGREES);
// translate(shape2X, shape2Y);
// rotate(-180);
// fan();
// pop();
// }
// creating a row
// function row() {
// push();
// for (r = 0; r <= width; r += 28 * w) {
// shape1(r, 0);
// shape2(r, 0);
// shape3(r, 0);
// }
// pop();
// }