let cityTable, weatherTable;
let delhiX, delhiY; // Variables to store Delhi's x and y coordinates
let isAnimating = false; // Flag to check if the animation should be running
let temperatures = [];
let windDirections = [];
let windSpeeds = [];
let particles = [];
let index = 0;
const ROW_TIME = 120;
const JUMP_FORWARD = 24;
let dateInput;
let jumpButton;
function preload() {
cityTable = loadTable('updated_cities.csv', 'csv', 'header');
weatherTable = loadTable('updated_testset.csv', 'csv', 'header');
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 800);
// Load data from the table
for (let row of cityTable.rows) {
let city = row.getString('city');
let lat = row.getNum('lat');
let lng = row.getNum('lng');
// Convert latitude and longitude to x and y
let x = map(lng, 65, 100, 0, width);
let y = map(lat, 5, 35, height, 0);
if (city === "Delhi") {
fill(255, 255, 255); // Color for Delhi
delhiX = x;
delhiY = y;
} else {
fill(255, 0, 0,150); // Color for other cities
ellipse(x, y, 10, 10);
for (let row of weatherTable.rows) {
let temp = row.getNum(" _tempm");
temperatures.push(isNaN(temp) ? 25 : temp); // Use 25 if temperature is NaN
let windDir = row.getString(" _wdire");
windDirections.push(windDir === "" ? "East" : windDir); // Use "East" if windDir is empty
let windSpd = row.getNum(" _wspdm");
windSpeeds.push(isNaN(windSpd) ? 0 : windSpd); // Use 0 if wind speed is NaN
// Create an input field and a button
dateInput = createInput();
dateInput.position(20, height + 20); // Place it below the canvas
jumpButton = createButton("Jump to Date (Enter in dd-mm-yyyy)");
jumpButton.position(dateInput.x + dateInput.width + 10, height + 20);
for (let x = -100; x < width + 100; x += 17) {
for (let y = -100; y < height + 100; y += 17) {
particles.push(new Particle(x, y));
function draw() {
if (!isAnimating) {
// Check if mouse is over Delhi
if (dist(mouseX, mouseY, delhiX, delhiY) < 10) {
cursor(HAND); // Change cursor to hand pointer
if (mouseIsPressed) {
isAnimating = true;
setup(); // Restart setup to initiate the animation
} else {
cursor(ARROW); // Default cursor
// Draw an arrow pointing towards Delhi
line(delhiX + 20, delhiY, delhiX + 60, delhiY);
triangle(delhiX , delhiY , delhiX + 55, delhiY + 5, delhiX + 65, delhiY);
// Display the message
text("Click on Delhi", delhiX + 70, delhiY + 5);}
background(0, 15);
if (frameCount % ROW_TIME == 0) index = (index + 1) % temperatures.length;
for (let i = particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let p = particles[i];
if (p.isFarFromOrigin()) {
let oldPos = p.originalPos.copy(); // Store the original position before deleting
particles.splice(i, 1); // remove particle from the list
particles.push(new Particle(oldPos.x, oldPos.y)); // Add a new particle at the stored position
} else {
function jumpToDate() {
let inputDate = dateInput.value();
let dateParts = inputDate.split("-");
let formattedInputDate = dateParts[2] + dateParts[1] + dateParts[0];
for (let i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++) {
let rowDate = table.getString(i, "datetime_utc").split("-")[0]; // Extract just the date part
if (rowDate === formattedInputDate) {
index = i; // Set the index to the found row
function displayInfo() {
let dateTime = weatherTable.getString(index, "datetime_utc");
let windDir = weatherTable.getString(index, " _wdire");
let windSpd = weatherTable.getString(index, " _wspdm");
let temp = weatherTable.getString(index, " _tempm");
// Draw a larger semi-transparent rectangle to fit additional info
fill(0, 100);
rect(10, 10, 250, 100); // Adjust size as needed
// Display date and time, wind direction, wind speed, and temperature inside the rectangle
fill(255); // White text
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
text("Date & Time: " + dateTime, 20, 20);
text("Wind Direction: " + windDir, 20, 40);
text("Wind Speed: " + windSpd + " km/h", 20, 60);
text("Temperature: " + temp + " °C", 20, 80);
class Particle {
constructor(x, y) {
this.pos = createVector(x, y);
this.originalPos = this.pos.copy();
this.size = random(1, 20);
this.angle = 0;
//checks the distance moved from starting point
isFarFromOrigin() {
return p5.Vector.dist(this.pos, this.originalPos) > random(100, 250);
update() {
// Convert wind direction to angle
this.angle = this.directionToAngle(windDirections[index]);
// Create a vector for wind direction
let windVec = p5.Vector.fromAngle(this.angle);
windVec.mult(windSpeeds[index] * 0.2);
// Adding Perlin noise for adding randomness to make it feel more natural
let noiseVal = noise(
this.pos.x * 0.01,
this.pos.y * 0.01,
millis() * 0.0005
let dir = windDirections[index];
if (windSpeeds[index] == 0) {
if (dir == "North" || dir == "NW" || dir == "NE") noiseVal *= -1;
else if (dir == "NNW" || dir == "NNE") noiseVal *= -0.6;
else if (dir == "ENE" || dir == "WNW") noiseVal *= -0.3;
else if (dir == "East" || dir == "West") noiseVal *= 0.1;
else if (dir == "ESE" || dir == "WSW") noiseVal *= 0.3;
else if (dir == "SSE" || dir == "SSW") noiseVal *= 0.6;
let noiseVec = p5.Vector.fromAngle(noiseVal * TWO_PI * 0.7); // Adjust multiplier as needed
// Combine wind vector with noise vector
let combinedVec = p5.Vector.add(windVec, noiseVec);
// Map temperature to color
let col = lerpColor(
color(0, 0, 255),
color(255, 0, 0),
map(temperatures[index], 0, 40, 0, 1)
show() {
translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);
rect(0, 0, this.size, this.size * 0.3);
directionToAngle(direction) {
switch (direction) {
case "North":
return -PI / 2; // Upward on the canvas
case "NE":
return -PI / 4;
case "East":
return 0; // Rightward on the canvas
case "SE":
return PI / 4;
case "South":
return PI / 2; // Downward on the canvas
case "SW":
return (3 * PI) / 4;
case "West":
return PI; // Leftward on the canvas
case "NW":
return (-3 * PI) / 4;
case "WSW":
return (7 * PI) / 8;
case "WNW":
return (-7 * PI) / 8;
case "ENE":
return -PI / 8;
case "ESE":
return PI / 8;
case "SSW":
return (5 * PI) / 8;
case "SSE":
return (3 * PI) / 8;
case "NNE":
return (-3 * PI) / 8;
case "NNW":
return (-5 * PI) / 8;
return 0;
function mouseClicked() {
index = (index + JUMP_FORWARD) % temperatures.length;