function getColorGradient(x_loc) {
// defines a simple gradient by starting with one HSB color
// (which will be shown when x_loc = 0.0) and then saying
// how the values should change to get to where we'll end up
// (which will be shown when x_loc = 1.0).
let hue_start = hue_start_slider.value();
let hue_range = hue_range_slider.value();
let sat_start = sat_start_slider.value();
let sat_range = sat_range_slider.value();
// let value_start = val_start_slider.value();
// let value_range = val_range_slider.value();
let value_start = 100;
let value_range = -100;
// you probably don't need to change anything in this function
// below this comment! unless you want to, then feel free :D
h = hue_start + x_loc * hue_range;
s = sat_start + x_loc * sat_range;
v = value_start + x_loc * value_range;
// hue rotates around, so 101 = 1
// sat and value should be between 0 and 100, so clamp them!
return [h % 100, constrain(s, 0, 100), constrain(v, 0, 100)];
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
// switch to HSB (also called HSV, B = brightness, V = value, but they work the same)
colorMode(HSB, 100);
hue_start_slider = createSlider(0, 100);
hue_start_slider.position(10, 10);
hue_range_slider = createSlider(-50, 50);
hue_range_slider.position(150, 10);
sat_start_slider = createSlider(0, 100);
sat_start_slider.position(10, 40);
sat_range_slider = createSlider(-100, 100);
sat_range_slider.position(150, 40);
// val_start_slider = createSlider(0, 100);
// val_start_slider.position(10, 70);
// val_start_slider.size(120);
// val_range_slider = createSlider(-100, 100);
// val_range_slider.position(150, 70);
// val_range_slider.size(120);
function draw() {
// you probably won't need to change this unless you want to!
// we go through and draw 100 rectangles, stepping through
// each of the colors
let count = 100;
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let x_loc = i / count;
let x = x_loc * width;
let hsv = getColorGradient(x_loc);
let fillColor = color(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], 100)
rect(x, 0, width / count, height);
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let x_loc = i / count;
let x = x_loc * width;
let hsv = getColorGradient(x_loc);
let fillColor = color(hsv[0], hsv[1], hsv[2], 100)
rect(x, 100, width / count, 10);
// for fun, add a rectangle that's a desaturated complement color
// (e.g. hue + 50).
// you can try adding other rectangles too
let hsv = getColorGradient(0);
fill(color((hsv[0] + 75) % 100, 30, 100));
let other_size_x = 300;
let other_size_y = 50;
rect(width / 2 - other_size_x / 2, height / 2 - other_size_y / 2, other_size_x, other_size_y)