let imgBlackhole; // variable to hold image texture for the sphere
let imgUniverse; // variable to hold image for the background
let angleXrotate = 0; // Rotation angle for X-axis
let angleYrotate = 0; // Rotation angle for Y-axis
let objectsme = []; // array to hold ME graphics objects
let guitar; // variable to hold graphics objects of guitar
let racket; // variable to hold graphics objects of racjet
function preload() {
// load image files
imgBlackhole = loadImage('blackhole.jpg');
imgUniverse = loadImage('the universe.jpg');
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 700, WEBGL);
// restrict frame rate to debug
// frameRate(30);
// create ME graphics objects and add to array 'objectsme
function draw() {
// place background image
translate(-width / 2, -height / 2);
image(imgUniverse, 0, 0);
// create blackhole sphere
if (objectsme[0]) {
} else {
filter(BLUR, 10)
// show all instances in the objectsme array
for (let i = 0; j = objectsme[i]; i += 1) {;
function mouseClicked() {
// call the first instance in objectsme array to attack the blackhole
if (objectsme[0]) {
// the hovering MEs' class
class Hoveringme {
constructor(relativeX, relativeY, shape, status) {
this.relativeX = relativeX;
this.relativeY = relativeY;
this.shape = shape;
this.status = 'hovering';
this.displayedX = 0
this.displayedY = 0;
// show the MEs
show() {
// Reset the transformations due to 3D
translate(-width / 2, -height / 2); // Move to 2D context origin
if (this.status === 'hovering') {
// Update the ME's position around the mouse
this.displayedX = mouseX + this.relativeX + random(-100, 100) * 0.05;
this.displayedY = mouseY + this.relativeY + random(-100, 100) * 0.05;
} else if (this.status === 'attacking') {
let spherePosition = createVector(0, -200, 0); // Sphere's position
let targetX = spherePosition.x + width / 2; // Sphere's X position in 2D
let targetY = spherePosition.y + height / 2; // Sphere's Y position in 2D
// Update the ME's position towards the target
this.displayedX += (targetX - (this.displayedX)) * 0.05; // Move towards target X
this.displayedY += (targetY - (this.displayedY)) * 0.05; // Move towards target Y
// Remove the ME from canvas if close enough
if (((this.displayedX - targetX)**2 < 200) & ((this.displayedY - targetY)**2 < 200)) {
objectsme.splice(objectsme[0], 1);
if (this.shape === 'guitar') {
// show the guitar graphics
image(guitar, this.displayedX, this.displayedY);
} else if (this.shape === 'racket') {
image(racket, this.displayedX, this.displayedY);
} else {
fill(mouseX + random(0, 50), mouseY + random(0, 50), mouseX + mouseY + random(0, 50))
rect(this.displayedX, this.displayedY, 50);
// ME to attack the blackhole
attack() {
this.status = 'attacking';
// create ME instances, add to array objectsme, and create graphics objects
function callingme() {
guitarObject = new Hoveringme(20, 20, 'guitar');
racketObject = new Hoveringme(-40, -60, 'racket');
rectObject1 = new Hoveringme(-70, -10);
rectObject2 = new Hoveringme(-80, 90);
rectObject3 = new Hoveringme(60, -60);
objectsme.push(guitarObject, racketObject, rectObject1, rectObject2, rectObject3);
function drawGuitar() {
let c = color('#bd6d36');
let c1 = color('#592c0e');
let c2 = color('#814116');
// Create a graphics object guitar
guitar = createGraphics(100, 150);
// Draw to the graphics object guitar
// Body of the guitar
guitar.fill(c); // Brown color
guitar.vertex(25, 100); // Start at bottom left
guitar.bezierVertex(10, 75, 10, 50, 25, 25); // Left curve
guitar.bezierVertex(75, 0, 75, 50, 25, 25); // Right curve
guitar.bezierVertex(90, 50, 90, 75, 25, 100); // Bottom curve
// Neck of the guitar
guitar.fill(c2); // Mid-dark brown color
guitar.rect(25, 5, 8, 80); // Neck
// Sound hole
guitar.fill(c1); // Dark sound hole
guitar.ellipse(25, 50, 10, 25); // Draw sound hole
// Strings
guitar.stroke('white'); // White color for strings
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
guitar.line(25 + 2 * i, 0, 25 + 2 * i, 60); // Draw strings
function drawRacket() {
let c = color('#a8d8a2'); // Light green color for the racket handle
let c1 = color('#4f7c4f'); // Dark green for the racket frame
let c2 = color('#d9e6d9'); // Light color for the racket strings
// Create a graphics object for the racket
racket = createGraphics(100, 150);
// Draw to the graphics object racket
// Frame of the racket
racket.fill(c1); // Dark green color
racket.vertex(50, 100); // Bottom point
racket.bezierVertex(70, 50, 30, 50, 50, 0); // Upper curve
racket.bezierVertex(70, 50, 70, 100, 50, 100); // Right curve
// Handle of the racket
racket.fill(c); // Light green color
racket.rect(45, 100, 10, 40); // Handle
// Strings of the racket
racket.stroke(c2); // Light color for strings
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
racket.line(30 + i * 5, 0, 30 + i * 5, 100); // Vertical strings
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
racket.line(30, j * 25, 60, j * 25); // Horizontal strings
// draw the sphere with texture
function blackhole() {
// Increment the rotation angles
angleXrotate += 0.005; // Adjust the speed by changing this value
angleYrotate += 0.005; // Adjust the speed by changing this value
push(); // save the current state
translate(0, -200, 0); // translate the coordinate system temporarily to place the sphere
rotateX(angleXrotate); // Rotate around X-axis
rotateY(angleYrotate); // Rotate around Y-axis
texture(imgBlackhole); // adding texture to the sphere
stroke('white'); // contour the sphere
sphere(100); // placing the sphere on the canvas with r = 100
pop(); // return to the previous state