Pinch to Zoom with Handpose
This example uses Handpose to let you zoom in on your webcam image by pinching your thumb and index finger.
Built with Handpose model from ml5js and p5js
Created by Tom-Lucas Säger 2021
let video;
let handpose;
let predictions = [];
let instruction = "Waiting for model";
let oldDistance = 0;
//Setup the canvas and initiate the webcam and Handpose
function setup() {
createCanvas(640, 480);
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
handpose = ml5.handpose(video, modelReady);
handpose.on('predict', gotResults);
// Draw the background, the static webcam image and the instructions we give the user
// Trigger the function distanceFinger, which will scale our image, depending on the distance of our thumb and index finger
function draw() {
text(instruction, width / 2, height / 2);
// Once the model is ready, we tell the users, that they should raise their hand
function modelReady() {
console.log("Model ready!");
instruction = "Bring your hand into view";
// If we get the results we save them in our variable predictions
function gotResults(results) {
predictions = results;
// First we check if the results are in
function distanceFinger() {
for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i += 1) {
const prediction = predictions[i];
// We put the 4th point, the tip, from the index finger and thumb in a variable
let indextip = prediction.annotations.indexFinger[3];
let thumbtip = prediction.annotations.thumb[3]
// We calculate the distance between the two points
let distance = dist(indextip[0], indextip[1], thumbtip[0], thumbtip[1]);
// We adjust the values so they fit between 0.1 and 4, which we then can use for the scale
distance = map(distance, 0, 200, 0.1, 4);
//We translate the image to be in the center of our canvas
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
//To prevent jumping of the scale we use lerp, which interpolates between the current and the previous value
let lerpedistance = lerp(distance, oldDistance, 0.5);
//We draw the scaled webcam image and set the current scale value to be the old value for the next round
image(video, 0, 0, width, height);
oldDistance = distance;