The example lets you experiment with k-means clustering. You can add datapoints by clicking and cluster them in one to ten clusters. If you want to know more how this clustering algorithm is working, check out the video by Computerphile ( on this topic.
Built with Kmeans Clustering from ml5.js and p5.js
Created by Tom-Lucas Säger 2021
let data = [];
let calculated = false;
let kmeans;
let slider, sliderLabel;
//We set up our canvas and change the colorMode to HSB which will come in handy later.
function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 400);
// User instructions are added
let instructions = "Click on the canvas to add data points.\nClick the button Cluster, to cluster them. \nAdjust the number of clusters with the slider."
text(instructions, 10, height/2);
//A button is added to start clustering the data
let calculateButton = createButton('Cluster');
//A slider with a label is added to let the user adjust the number of clusters
slider = createSlider(1,10,2,1);
sliderLabel = createP('Number of Clusters: ' + slider.value());
//Once the slider is updated we adjust the label.
function sliderAdjusted(){
sliderLabel.html('Number of Cluster: ' + slider.value())
//If the mouse is clicked and it is not in bottom of our canvas,
//the mouse coordinates get added to our data array and drawn to the canvas.
function mousePressed(){
if(mouseY < height-5){
data.push({x: mouseX, y: mouseY});
ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 20,20)
//On click of the cluster button we create our kmeans object with to data we collected,
// the number of clusters from our slider and two other options.
function cluster(){
const options = {
k: slider.value(),
maxIter: 1200,
threshold: 0.9,
kmeans = ml5.kmeans(data, options, clustersCalculated);
function clustersCalculated() {
calculated = true;
//Once the results are in we recolor the data-points based on their centroid
function draw() {
if (calculated) {
for (i = 0; i < kmeans.dataset.length; i++) {
let centroid = kmeans.dataset[i].centroid;
let datapointx = kmeans.dataset[i][0];
let datapointy = kmeans.dataset[i][1];
//We are using the HSB colorMode here
fill(centroid * 36, 100,100);
ellipse(datapointx, datapointy, 20, 20);
//We also add a label to the output, so it could be interpreted without the color
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text(centroid + 1, datapointx, datapointy);