var col1 = {
r: 255,
g: 0,
b: 0
var col2 = {
r: 255,
g: 255,
b: 255
var spot1 = {
x: 100,
y: 100
var spot2 = {
x: 100,
y: 100
var DRYArray = ['Mommy\'s', 'Mommy\'s Little', 'Daddy\'s', 'Daddy\'s Little', 'My', 'My Little', 'The Lord\'s', 'Our', 'Danger', 'Dead', 'Deadly', 'Dying', 'Death of the', 'A Death in the', 'A Ghost in the', 'Haley Joel', 'Sarah Jessica', 'Spill', 'The', 'Yes,', 'No,', 'No', 'And the', 'Rise of the', 'Revenge of the', 'Blue', 'The Blue', 'Pink', 'The Pink', 'Bring the', 'My Chemical', 'Proxy', 'Party City', 'The Party City', 'Paris', 'Control Alt', 'Pain, the', ' '];
var ROTArray = ['Waffles', 'Cookies', 'Cake', 'Creatures', 'Monster', 'Internet', 'Browsing History', 'Cable', 'Radacted', 'Mouse', 'Rat', 'Garden', 'Vomit', 'Rash', 'Disease', 'Knife', 'Dumpster', 'Dumpster Fire', 'Misfit', 'Robber', 'Sea Men', 'Rubber', 'Hatchet', 'Gun', 'Throttle', 'Engine', 'Man', 'Woman', 'Girl', 'Boy', 'Sister', 'Brother', 'Devil', 'Tool', 'Punk', 'Himbo', 'Loser', 'Foot', 'Hand', 'Queen', 'King', 'Mini Van', 'Screw Driver', 'Mommy', 'Daddy', 'Shark', 'Fish', 'Spit']
function preload() {
img1 = loadImage("");
img2 = loadImage("");
img3 = loadImage("");
function setup() {
createCanvas (1080, 1080)
function draw() {
image(img1, 0, 0);
col1.r = random(0, 255);
col1.g = random(0, 255);
col1.b = random(0, 255);
fill(col1.r, col1.g, col1.b, 75);
rect(0, 0, 1080, 1080);
spot1.x = random(0, 600);
spot1.y = random(0, 600);
image(img2, spot1.x, spot1.y);
spot1.x = random(0, 600);
spot1.y = random(0, 600);
image(img3, spot1.x, spot1.y);
var randomOne = random(DRYArray);
var randomTwo = random(ROTArray);
var helloWorldMessage = randomOne + ' ' + randomTwo
fill(col1.r, col1.g, col1.b)
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 500, 75);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 500, 125);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 500, 175);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 500, 225);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 500, 275);
text(helloWorldMessage, 425, 240);
text(helloWorldMessage, 425, 290);
text(helloWorldMessage, 425, 340);
text(helloWorldMessage, 425, 390);
text(helloWorldMessage, 425, 440);
text(helloWorldMessage, 150, 475);
text(helloWorldMessage, 150, 525);
text(helloWorldMessage, 150, 575);
text(helloWorldMessage, 150, 625);
text(helloWorldMessage, 150, 675);
text(helloWorldMessage, 450, 475);
text(helloWorldMessage, 450, 500);
text(helloWorldMessage, 450, 525);
text(helloWorldMessage, 450, 550);
text(helloWorldMessage, 450, 575);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 150, 800);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 150, 850);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 150, 900);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/', 150, 950);
text(helloWorldMessage + '/ an LP.', 150, 1000);