// csound.js is the Csound WASM module
const csoundjs = '';
// csound is the Csound engine object (null as we start)
let csound = null;
// csound synthesis code
const code = `
instr 1
kcps port cpsmidinn(p5),0.025,-1
tigoto end
afc = kcps + madsr(0.01,0.5,0.5,0.3)*p6
aosc = vco2(p4,kcps*.995) + vco2(p4,kcps*1.005)
asig vclpf aosc*linsegr(0,0.01,1,0,1),afc,0.7
out asig*expsegr(0.3,0.01,0.3,0.4,0.001)
// this is the JS function to start Csound
async function start() {
// if the Csound object is not initialised
if(csound == null) {
// import the Csound method from csound.js
const { Csound } = await import(csoundjs);
// create a Csound engine object
csound = await Csound();
// set realtime audio (dac) output
await csound.setOption("-odac");
// compile csound code
await csound.compileOrc(code);
// start the engine
await csound.start();
// note amp
let amp = 0;
// note number
let note = 0;
// filter cutoff
const cf = 8000
// square size
const sqr = 20;
// mouse pressed function
async function noteon() {
// quantise the mouseX position to a grid
note = int(mouseX/sqr)+48;
// map the mouseY position to 0 - 1
amp = 1 - mouseY/480;
// create the event command: negative p3 to hold
let s = "i1 0 -1 " + amp + " " + note + " " + amp*cf;
// send it to the Csound engine
if(csound) await csound.inputMessage(s)
// mouse released function
async function noteoff() {
// send a turnoff message
if(csound) await csound.inputMessage("i-1 0 1 0 0");
// set amp to zero
amp = 0;
// mouse moved function
async function slur() {
// only slur if note is playing
if(amp > 0) {
// get the note from mouse X
let nnote = int(mouseX/sqr)+48;
// slur if it is a new note
if(note != nnote) await noteon();
let cnv = null;
// called by P5.js
function setup() {
// create canvas object
cnv = createCanvas(480, 480);
// disable context menu
cnv.elt.addEventListener("contextmenu", (e) => e.preventDefault());
// canvas background
let bgc = 250;
// called by P5.js
function draw() {
// update the background colour
// if a note is playing
if(amp > 0){
// mouse coordinates for note
let nx = (note-48)*sqr;
let ny = (1-amp)*480;
// draw a square
// write the note number
if(csound == null)
text("click here to start", 200,200);
// called on mouse click
async function mousePressed() {
if(csound == null) {
// start Csound
await start();
// register a mousePressed callback
// register a mouseReleased callback
// register a mouseMoved callback
// set canvas background
bgc = 128;