let grid;
let gridWidth = 16; // Number of columns in the grid
let gridHeight = 12; // Number of rows in the grid
let cellSize; // Size of each cell in pixels
let colors = []; // Array to hold the color palette
let currentColorIndex = 0; // Track the current color index selected
let isDrawing = false; // Flag to track if the user is holding the mouse to draw
let colorBoxSize = 30; // Size of each color box in the palette
let paletteCols = 6;
function setup() {
colors = [
color(255, 255, 255), // White
color(255, 0, 0), // Red
color(0, 255, 0), // Green
color(0, 0, 255), // Blue
color(255, 255, 0) // Yellow
let paletteWidthMargin = 0
let paletteHeightMargin = 0
let maxCanvasWidth = 800
let maxCanvasHeight = 800
let gridWidthMargin = 20;
let gridHeightMargin = 20; // Additional margin for grid height
let paletteHeight = (colors.length + 1) * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 20 + paletteHeightMargin; // Space for the color palette and margin
let paletteWidth = (colorBoxSize * 2 + 10) * paletteCols + paletteWidthMargin;
cellSize = Math.min((maxCanvasWidth - gridWidthMargin - paletteWidth) / gridWidth, (maxCanvasHeight - gridHeightMargin) / gridHeight)
let canvasHeight = Math.max((gridHeight * cellSize) + gridHeightMargin, paletteHeight + gridHeightMargin); // Adjust height to fit both grid and palette
let canvasWidth = (gridWidth * cellSize) + gridWidthMargin + paletteWidth;
createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
let numCols = gridWidth;
let numRows = gridHeight;
// Initialize the grid with all cells set to 0 (white)
grid = new Array(numCols).fill().map(() => new Array(numRows).fill(0));
// Define the colors (white is now at index 0)
function draw() {
// Draw the grid (leave space for the palette on the right)
for (let x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) {
rect(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize);
rect(x * cellSize, y * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize);
// Draw the color palette to the right of the grid
let paletteX = width - (colorBoxSize * 2 + 10) * paletteCols; // Position the palette on the right
for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
var row = i % paletteCols;
var col = Math.floor(i / paletteCols)
rect(paletteX + row * 2 * colorBoxSize + row * 10, col * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 10, colorBoxSize, colorBoxSize);
// Add a trash icon (X) next to each color except white
if (i !== 0) {
// Draw the box for the trash icon
rect(paletteX + row * colorBoxSize * 2 + row * 10 + colorBoxSize + 5, col * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 10, colorBoxSize, colorBoxSize);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
// Center the 'X' in the middle of the trash box
text('X', paletteX + row * colorBoxSize * 2 + row * 10 + colorBoxSize + 5, col * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 10, colorBoxSize, colorBoxSize);
var rowARC = colors.length % paletteCols;
var colARC = Math.floor(colors.length / paletteCols)
// Draw the "Add Random Color" button at the bottom of the palette
rect(paletteX + rowARC * colorBoxSize * 2 + rowARC * 10, colARC * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 10, colorBoxSize * 2 + 5, colorBoxSize);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text('+', paletteX + rowARC * colorBoxSize * 2 + rowARC * 10, colARC * (colorBoxSize + 10) + 10, colorBoxSize * 2 + 5, colorBoxSize);
function mousePressed() {
// Check if the user clicked inside the grid
let col = Math.floor(mouseX / cellSize);
let row = Math.floor(mouseY / cellSize);
// If the mouse is inside the grid, change the color of the pixel
if (col < gridWidth && row < gridHeight && col >= 0 && row >= 0) {
// Ensure the currentColorIndex is valid
if (currentColorIndex < 0 || currentColorIndex >= colors.length) {
currentColorIndex = 0; // Set to white if it's out of bounds
grid[col][row] = currentColorIndex;
isDrawing = true; // Start drawing
// Check if the user clicked on the color palette
let paletteX = width - (colorBoxSize * 2 + 10) * paletteCols;
if (mouseX > paletteX) {
var paletteCol = Math.floor((mouseX - paletteX) / (colorBoxSize + 5));
var paletteRow = Math.floor((mouseY - 10) / (colorBoxSize + 10));
print(colors.length % paletteCols * 2, paletteCol, Math.floor(colors.length / paletteCols), paletteRow);
if (Math.floor(colors.length / paletteCols) > paletteRow || (colors.length % paletteCols * 2 > paletteCol && Math.floor(colors.length / paletteCols) === paletteRow)) {
if (paletteCol % 2 === 0) {
currentColorIndex = paletteCol / 2 + paletteRow * paletteCols;
else if(paletteCol !== 1 || paletteRow !== 0) {
deleteColor(Math.floor(paletteCol / 2) + paletteRow * paletteCols)
else if (Math.floor(colors.length / paletteCols) === paletteRow && colors.length % paletteCols * 2 - paletteCol <= 1){
else {
print("out of bounds")
function mouseReleased() {
isDrawing = false; // Stop drawing when the mouse is released
function mouseDragged() {
// Check if the user is holding the mouse button to draw
if (isDrawing) {
let col = Math.floor(mouseX / cellSize);
let row = Math.floor(mouseY / cellSize);
// Update the grid if within bounds
if (col < gridWidth && row < gridHeight && col >= 0 && row >= 0) {
// Ensure the currentColorIndex is valid
if (currentColorIndex < 0 || currentColorIndex >= colors.length) {
currentColorIndex = 0; // Set to white if it's out of bounds
grid[col][row] = currentColorIndex;
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 'S' || key === 's') {
// Function to add a random color to the palette
function addRandomColor() {
let randomColor = color(random(255), random(255), random(255));
// Function to delete a color from the palette
function deleteColor(index) {
// Set all instances of the deleted color to white (index 0)
for (let x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) {
for (let y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) {
if (grid[x][y] === index) {
grid[x][y] = 0; // Change to white
// Remove the color from the palette
colors.splice(index, 1);
// If the current color was deleted, reset to white (index 0)
if (currentColorIndex === index) {
currentColorIndex = 0;
function getGridData() {
let data = => `[${row.join(', ')}]`);
return `[${data.join(', ')}]`; // Format the output as a Python-like list