let strings = []; // string array to store the contents of the file
let colorRatio = [0,0,0,0]; // default colors
let shade = 60; // default opacity
let fileRow;
// loads the data from the uploaded file into the strings array
function preload() {
strings = loadStrings("olympics2024.csv");
function setup() {
createCanvas(1200, 1200);
fileRow = 1;
// catch function to check if the file was able to properly load into the program
if (strings == null) {
console.log("Failled to load .csv file");
console.log("Sucessfully loaded the .csv file")
xyPos(); // function to draw and run through the file
// organize the datas in a set 10 x 10 coordinate fashion
function xyPos(){
for (let yPos = 120; yPos < height; yPos+= 120){
for (let xPos = 120; xPos < width; xPos += 120){
// there will be extra spaces in the end so it is necessary to always check that there are still rows/ data left in the file to be processed
if (fileRow < strings.length){
lineFile = split(strings[fileRow], ",")
runFile(xPos, yPos, lineFile);
fileRow += 1
replace the draw function because the cavas will simply draw on and refesh when the mouse is clicked with the mousePressed() function below
function runFile(x, y, lineInFile) {
// find the total metals awarded outside the forloop so it isnt computed over each row of the file
let totalMetalsAwarded = totalMetals();
//categories of the file: Rank,Country,Country Code,Gold,Silver,Bronze,Total
// split creates a list based on the speratorv(',') within the string array elemnt
// file categorization
let countryRank = int(lineInFile[0]);
let countryName = lineInFile[1];
let countryCode = lineInFile[2];
let countryGold = int(lineInFile[3]);
let countrySilver = int(lineInFile[4]);
let countryBronze = int(lineInFile[5]);
let countryTotal = int(lineInFile[6]);
// generate a random coordinator for the circle
let xPos = x
let yPos = y
// circles are has a scale factor of 10% based on the ratio of a countries metals awarded with the total metals awarded in relation to the width
let size = 10 * (countryTotal/ totalMetalsAwarded);
let circleArea = (width) * size
// draws the circles
colorArr = getRandomColorRatio(); // get a random color ratio of red, green, blue
circle(xPos, yPos, circleArea);
// draws the country names
colorArr.splice(3,1,shade + 400) // change the opacity of the choose color darker by 400
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); // aligns the text to the center of the circle
text(countryName + ' Rank: #' + countryRank, xPos, yPos); // name and ranking of the country
text('Total Metals: ' + countryTotal, xPos, yPos + 15);
// output the breakdown of metals award of each country in the console
console.log('Team ' + countryCode + ' won ' + countryTotal + ' metals with ' + countryGold +' gold metals, ' + countrySilver + ' silver metals, and ' + countryBronze + ' bronze metals!')
// loops over the total number of metals each country won and sums up the total to determine the total
function totalMetals() {
let sumMetal = 0;
for (let lineInCSV = 1; lineInCSV < strings.length; lineInCSV++){
lineInFile = split(strings[lineInCSV], ",");
sumMetal += int(lineInFile[6]);
return sumMetal;
// random color generator: return type: array (list)
function getRandomColorRatio(){
colorRatio = [random(0,255), random(0,255), random(0,255), shade];
return colorRatio;
// when the mouse is pressed, the canvas would then create a new data visualzation of the given information
function mousePressed() {