// =================================================== //
// Course : Introduction to Interactive Media, 001 //
// Task : Midterm Project - Superimpose //
// Author : Zavier Shaikh //
// =================================================== //
// "A cool full body game, where you have to match the pose to fit through the frame!"
// Order:
// I. Global Variables & Parameters
// II. Class Definitions
// III. Function Definitions
// IV. p5's Functions
// I. Global Variables & Parameters
// Parameters
let ASPECT_RATIO = 16/9;
let RES_W = 1920; // Note: This is the game's rendering resolution, not the size it will display at (since I've used some CSS to automatically scale the canvas to fit the available space)
let bgMusicVolume = 0.25 // 25%
let soundEffectVolume = 0.5 // 50%
// Global variables
let score = 0;
let highScore = 0;
let sounds;
let images;
// Pose Detection
let detectedPoses = [];
let bodyPose;
let bodyPoseStarted = false;
let skeletalConnections;
let webcamVideo;
let webcamScaleFactor;
// Initialised with some default values (roughly my measurements, but these will get calibrated to the player's measurements)
let playerBodyInfo = {
"nose y-value": 165,
"nose-shoulder midpoint length": 50,
"shoulder midpoint-hip midpoint length": 150,
"shoulder-shoulder length": 90,
"shoulder-elbow length": 70,
"elbow-wrist length": 60
// I converted the default skeleton array (which contains indices) to one that contains key names for the parts of a pose
let skeletalConnectionsNames = [
["nose", "left_eye"],
["nose", "right_eye"],
["left_eye", "left_ear"],
["right_eye", "right_ear"],
["left_shoulder", "right_shoulder"],
["left_shoulder", "left_elbow"],
["left_shoulder", "left_hip"],
["right_shoulder", "right_elbow"],
["right_shoulder", "right_hip"],
["left_elbow", "left_wrist"],
["right_elbow", "right_wrist"],
["left_hip", "right_hip"],
["left_hip", "left_knee"],
["right_hip", "right_knee"],
["left_knee", "left_ankle"],
["right_knee", "right_ankle"]
// II. Class definitions
class Orb {
constructor(text, x, y, radius, completionTotal, completionCallback, keypoint = "right_wrist") {
this.text = text
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.radius = radius
this.completion = 0;
this.completionTotal = completionTotal;
this.completionCallback = completionCallback;
this.wasCompletionCallbackCalled = false;
this.keypoint = keypoint;
update() {
if (detectedPoses.length === 0) return; // Ensure there is a pose detected to measure from
// Check if the chosen keypoint is within the orb
if (dist(this.x + 640/2, this.y + 480/2, detectedPoses[0][this.keypoint].x, detectedPoses[0][this.keypoint].y) <= this.radius/2) {
// If it is, and completion is below the threshold, increment completion
if (this.completion < this.completionTotal)
this.completion += 1;
// Otherwise if it is, and completion is above the threshold, and the function wasn't called before (to avoid calling it a million times after activating), call the callback function
else if (!this.wasCompletionCallbackCalled) {
this.wasCompletionCallbackCalled = true;
// If the keypoint isn't on the orb, gradually decrease completion, to decrease the progress indicator
} else if (this.completion > 0) {
this.wasCompletionCallbackCalled = false; // Reset the flag, so that the function can be called again next time (whether this before is wanted depends on the situation. In this case though, it is)
this.completion -= 1;
draw() {
// The orb itself
drawingContext.shadowColor = "cyan"
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 64
stroke(0, 128, 128)
fill(0, 128, 128, 128)
circle(this.x, this.y, this.radius)
// The circular progress indicator as the orb fills up
stroke(0, 255, 255)
arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius + 15, this.radius + 15, -HALF_PI, this.wasCompletionCallbackCalled ? 1.5*PI : map(this.completion/this.completionTotal, 0, 1, 0, TWO_PI) - HALF_PI)
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0
// The orb's text
text(this.text, this.x, this.y)
// Scenes
class MainMenu {
constructor() {
this.resetPopup = false;
this.resetDone = false;
draw() {
// Blur the background if the reset popus are active
if (this.resetPopup || this.resetDone)
drawingContext.filter = "blur(8px)"
drawingContext.filter = "none"
// Background image
image(images.bgs.mainMenu, 0, 0, width, height)
// High score
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER)
fill(0, 96)
rect(50, 0.55*height, textWidth(`High Score: ${highScore}`) + 100, 0.1*height, 32) // The translucent black rectangle to "hold" the high score
fill(255, 192)
text(`High Score: ${highScore}`, 100, 0.6*height)
drawingContext.filter = "none"
// The reset pops
if (this.resetPopup)
image(images.resetPopup, 0, 0, width, height)
else if (this.resetDone)
image(images.resetDonePopup, 0, 0, width, height)
keyPressed() {
// If the reset popup is active
if (this.resetPopup) {
// If the user choose not to reset
if (key === "n") {
this.resetDone = false;
this.resetPopup = false;
// If the user choose to reset
else if (key === "y") {
this.resetDone = true;
setTimeout(() => this.resetDone = false, 1000);
this.resetPopup = false;
score = 0
highScore = 0
// bodyPose.detectStop();
// webcamVideo.remove()
// remove()
// setup()
// Go to onboaring/calibration if p is pressed
} else if (key === "p") {
// Open the reset popup if r is pressed
} else if (key === "r") {
this.resetPopup = true;
class Onboarding {
constructor() {
this.playGameOrb = new Orb("Play", 440 - webcamVideo.width/2, 200 - webcamVideo.height/2, 100, 25, () => {playerBodyInfo = measurePlayerBodyInfo(); scenes.transitionTo("game")})
drawPlayerPose() {
translate(width/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.width * webcamScaleFactor, height/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.height * webcamScaleFactor)
// Iterate through all the poses
for (let pose of detectedPoses) {
// Draw the skeleton connections
for (let skeletalConnection of skeletalConnections) {
let pointA = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[0]];
let pointB = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[1]];
// Only draw a line if we have confidence in both points
if (pointA.confidence > 0.25 && pointB.confidence > 0.25) {
stroke(0, 128);
line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
// Iterate through all the keypoints for each pose
for (let keypoint of pose.keypoints) {
// Only draw a circle if the keypoint's confidence is greater than 0.25
if (keypoint.confidence > 0.25) {
circle(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, 10);
update() {
draw() {
// Blurred and darkened webcam background (since the webcam's aspect ratio will most likely not be the same as the screen's, and hence not fill the screen)
drawingContext.filter = "blur(64px)"
image(webcamVideo, 0, 0, width, height)
translate(width/2, height/2)
// Draw the webcam's video
image(webcamVideo, -webcamVideo.width/2, -webcamVideo.height/2, webcamVideo.width, webcamVideo.height)
// Draw the orb
// Draw the player's pose
// Draw the info textbox
// The box part
fill(255, 96)
rect(-webcamVideo.width/2 + 50, webcamVideo.height/4, webcamVideo.width - 100, webcamVideo.height/4 - 30, 16)
// The text part
textAlign(CENTER, TOP)
text("Ensure you can fully stretch your arms upwards and sideways, and still fit within the frame (adjust your webcam/screen accordingly).\nProceed by holding your right wrist on the orb.", -webcamVideo.width/2 + 50 + 10, webcamVideo.height/4 + 10, webcamVideo.width - 120, webcamVideo.height/4 - 50)
class Game {
constructor() {
score = 0;
this.lives = 3;
this.speed = 0.2;
this.margin = 35; // How much leeway they get to match the position
this.characterThickness = 10
this.targets = []
this.totalNumTargets = 2;
playerMatchesTargetPose() {
if (detectedPoses.length === 0) return false; // Ensure we detected a pose
// Loop over each part defined by the target, and check that the player's pose for that part has enough confidence, and is "close enough" to the target (within the margin and thickness), otherwise return false
for (let part in this.targets[0].pose) {
for (let axis of "xy") {
if (detectedPoses[0][part].confidence < 0.25 || Math.abs(this.targets[0].pose[part][axis] - detectedPoses[0][part][axis]) > (this.margin + this.characterThickness)) {
return false;
return true;
drawPlayerPose() {
translate(width/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.width * webcamScaleFactor, height/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.height * webcamScaleFactor)
scale(webcamScaleFactor * 0.9) // * 90%, to position pose "on the road"
// Iterate through all the poses
for (let pose of detectedPoses) {
// Draw the skeleton connections
for (let skeletalConnection of skeletalConnections) {
let pointA = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[0]];
let pointB = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[1]];
// Only draw a line if we have confidence in both points
if (pointA.confidence > 0.25 && pointB.confidence > 0.25) {
stroke(0, 128);
line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
// Iterate through all the keypoints for each pose
for (let keypoint of pose.keypoints) {
// Only draw a circle if the keypoint's confidence is greater than 0.25
if (keypoint.confidence > 0.25) {
// noStroke();
circle(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, this.characterThickness);
generateRandomPose(attempts = 0) {
// Ideas / Constraints:
// - Nose should be in the middle 25% (horizontally) of the screen, and near the height of the player's nose originally (similar y-value)
// - 0 deg <= midpoint-shoulder-elbow angle (inside one) <= 180 deg (basically, the elbow should be outside the body, extending upwards)
// - 45 deg <= shoulder-elbow-wrist angle (inside one) <= 180 deg
// - All parts should be within the center 80% of the available space (the nose and shoulders don't need to be tested, since they can't reach there anyways)
// - Also, parts shouldn't be too close to each other (similarly, we only need to check the distance between the wrists to each other and the nose)
// - Generate the pose, starting from the nose (as center of head) (then shoulders and so on)
let outerMargin = 0.1; // 10%, so points should be in the middle 80% of the target area
let minX = webcamVideo.width * outerMargin
let maxX = webcamVideo.width * (1 - outerMargin)
let minY = webcamVideo.height * outerMargin
let maxY = webcamVideo.height * (1 - outerMargin)
// Defined here, so that we can access them outside the do...while loops
let partAttempts, leftShoulderToElbowAngle, rightShoulderToElbowAngle, leftElbowToWristAngle, rightElbowToWristAngle
// Initialised with some default values (roughly my measurements)
let pose = {
nose: {x: 320, y: 165},
left_shoulder: {x: 275, y: 215},
right_shoulder: {x: 365, y: 215},
left_hip: {x: 295, y: 365},
right_hip: {x: 345, y: 365},
left_elbow: {x: 220, y: 255},
right_elbow: {x: 420, y: 255},
left_wrist: {x: 200, y: 200},
right_wrist: {x: 440, y: 200}
// Failsafe: If it takes too many attempts to generate a pose, just give up and output the default pose (thankfully never executed)
if (attempts > 100) return pose;
// Nose
pose.nose.x = random(0.375, 0.625) * webcamVideo.width // center 25%
pose.nose.y = random(-25, 25) + playerBodyInfo["nose y-value"] // y-value ± 25px of player's nose height
// Shoulders
let shoulderAngle = random(-PI/6, PI/6) // The angle from the nose to the shoulder's midpoint with origin below (think of a unit circle, but rotated clockwise 90 deg) (also equivalently, the angle from the left to right shoulder, on a normal unit circle). From -30 to 30 degrees
let shoulderMidpoint = {
x: pose.nose.x + sin(shoulderAngle) * playerBodyInfo["nose-shoulder midpoint length"],
y: pose.nose.y + cos(shoulderAngle) * playerBodyInfo["nose-shoulder midpoint length"]
pose.left_shoulder.x = shoulderMidpoint.x - cos(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.left_shoulder.y = shoulderMidpoint.y + sin(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.right_shoulder.x = shoulderMidpoint.x + cos(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.right_shoulder.y = shoulderMidpoint.y - sin(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
// Hips
let hipMidpoint = { // The hip's midpoint is really just the shoulder's midpoint, but extended further, so we can calculate it in a similar fashion
x: pose.nose.x + sin(shoulderAngle) * (playerBodyInfo["nose-shoulder midpoint length"] + playerBodyInfo["shoulder midpoint-hip midpoint length"]),
y: pose.nose.y + cos(shoulderAngle) * (playerBodyInfo["nose-shoulder midpoint length"] + playerBodyInfo["shoulder midpoint-hip midpoint length"])
pose.left_hip.x = hipMidpoint.x - cos(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.left_hip.y = hipMidpoint.y + sin(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.right_hip.x = hipMidpoint.x + cos(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
pose.right_hip.y = hipMidpoint.y - sin(shoulderAngle) * 0.5 * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"]
maxY = min(maxY, pose.left_hip.y < pose.right_hip.y ? pose.left_hip.y : pose.right_hip.y) // Set maxY to be the highest hip's (lowest y's) y value if it's less than maxY. This prevents the points from generating below the hip, and hence becoming invisible.
// Elbows
partAttempts = 0;
do {
if (++partAttempts > 10) return this.generateRandomPose(attempts + 1); // If it takes too many attempts to generate this part, just give up and start from scratch
leftShoulderToElbowAngle = random(PI/2, 3 * PI/2) + shoulderAngle // From 90 to 270 (-90) degrees on a normal unit circle (basically 0 to 180 degrees, with the left half of a circle (imagine the unit circle rotated anticlockwise 90 deg))
pose.left_elbow.x = pose.left_shoulder.x + cos(leftShoulderToElbowAngle) * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-elbow length"]
pose.left_elbow.y = pose.left_shoulder.y - sin(leftShoulderToElbowAngle) * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-elbow length"]
} while (
minX > pose.left_elbow.x || pose.left_elbow.x > maxX || // Check if it's within the acceptable horizontal range
minY > pose.left_elbow.y || pose.left_elbow.y > maxY // Check if it's within the acceptable verticle range
partAttempts = 0;
do {
if (++partAttempts > 10) return this.generateRandomPose(attempts + 1); // If it takes too many attempts to generate this part, just give up and start from scratch
rightShoulderToElbowAngle = random(-PI/2, PI/2) + shoulderAngle // From 270 (-90) to 90 degrees on a normal unit circle (basically 0 to 180 degrees, with the right half of a circle)
pose.right_elbow.x = pose.right_shoulder.x + cos(rightShoulderToElbowAngle) * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-elbow length"]
pose.right_elbow.y = pose.right_shoulder.y - sin(rightShoulderToElbowAngle) * playerBodyInfo["shoulder-elbow length"]
} while (
minX > pose.right_elbow.x || pose.right_elbow.x > maxX || // Check if it's within the acceptable horizontal range
minY > pose.right_elbow.y || pose.right_elbow.y > maxY // Check if it's within the acceptable verticle range
// Wrists
partAttempts = 0;
do {
if (++partAttempts > 10) return this.generateRandomPose(attempts + 1); // If it takes too many attempts to generate this part, just give up and start from scratch
leftElbowToWristAngle = random(1.25*PI, 2*PI) + leftShoulderToElbowAngle // random(PI/4, PI) // From 45 to 180 degrees on a normal unit circle. Will be rotated to account for the elbow's existing rotation
pose.left_wrist.x = pose.left_elbow.x + cos(leftElbowToWristAngle) * playerBodyInfo["elbow-wrist length"]
pose.left_wrist.y = pose.left_elbow.y - sin(leftElbowToWristAngle) * playerBodyInfo["elbow-wrist length"]
} while (
minX > pose.left_wrist.x || pose.left_wrist.x > maxX || // Check if it's within the acceptable horizontal range
minY > pose.left_wrist.y || pose.left_wrist.y > maxY || // Check if it's within the acceptable verticle range
dist(pose.nose.x, pose.nose.y, pose.left_wrist.x, pose.left_wrist.y) < 50 // Check if the wrist is too close to the nose
partAttempts = 0;
do {
if (++partAttempts > 10) return this.generateRandomPose(attempts + 1); // If it takes too many attempts to generate this part, just give up and start from scratch
rightElbowToWristAngle = random(0, 3/4 * PI) + rightShoulderToElbowAngle // From 270 (-90) to 90 degrees on a normal unit circle (basically 0 to 180 degrees, with the right half of a circle)
pose.right_wrist.x = pose.right_elbow.x + cos(rightElbowToWristAngle) * playerBodyInfo["elbow-wrist length"]
pose.right_wrist.y = pose.right_elbow.y - sin(rightElbowToWristAngle) * playerBodyInfo["elbow-wrist length"]
} while (
minX > pose.right_wrist.x || pose.right_wrist.x > maxX || // Check if it's within the acceptable horizontal range
minY > pose.right_wrist.y || pose.right_wrist.y > maxY || // Check if it's within the acceptable verticle range
dist(pose.nose.x, pose.nose.y, pose.right_wrist.x, pose.right_wrist.y) < 50 || // Check if the wrist is too close to the nose
dist(pose.left_wrist.x, pose.left_wrist.y, pose.right_wrist.x, pose.right_wrist.y) < 50 // Check if the wrist is too close to the other wrist
return pose;
createTarget() {
let pose = this.generateRandomPose()
let targetLayer = createGraphics(webcamVideo.width, webcamVideo.height)
// Background (the wall/bush)
targetLayer.rect(0.1*targetLayer.width, 0, 0.8*targetLayer.width, targetLayer.height, 32)
// Pose outline
// Outline the skeletal connections (lines between keypoints)
for (let connection of skeletalConnectionsNames) {
if (!(connection[0] in pose) || !(connection[1] in pose)) continue;
let pointA = pose[connection[0]];
let pointB = pose[connection[1]];
targetLayer.strokeWeight(this.margin + this.characterThickness + 25);
targetLayer.line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
// Outline circles at keypoints
for (let partKey in pose) {
let part = pose[partKey]
targetLayer.fill(0), part.y, (partKey === "nose" ? 2.5 : 1) * this.characterThickness + this.margin + 25) // Increase
// Pose cutout
// Cutout the skeletal connections (lines between keypoints)
for (let connection of skeletalConnectionsNames) {
if (!(connection[0] in pose) || !(connection[1] in pose)) continue;
let pointA = pose[connection[0]];
let pointB = pose[connection[1]];
targetLayer.stroke(0) // Not for colour, but rather needed to re-enable stroke (since I used noStroke() earlier)
targetLayer.strokeWeight(this.margin + this.characterThickness);
targetLayer.line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
// Cutout circles at keypoints
for (let partKey in pose) {
let part = pose[partKey]
targetLayer.strokeWeight(5), part.y, (partKey === "nose" ? 2.5 : 1) * this.characterThickness + this.margin)
// Cutout torso
pose.left_shoulder.x, pose.left_shoulder.y,
pose.right_shoulder.x, pose.right_shoulder.y,
pose.right_hip.x, pose.right_hip.y,
pose.left_hip.x, pose.left_hip.y
// Crop edges
targetLayer.fill(0) // Again, colour doesn't matter. It's just to re-enable the fill (though this time, only as a fail-safe)
// graphics.rect(0.2*graphics.width, 0.6*graphics.height, 0.6*graphics.width, 10*graphics.height, 32)
targetLayer.rect(0.2*targetLayer.width, (pose.left_hip.y < pose.right_hip.y ? pose.left_hip.y : pose.right_hip.y), 0.6*targetLayer.width, 10*targetLayer.height, 32)
pose: pose,
image: targetLayer,
distance: 100,
poseMatches: false
update() {
// Increase speed (to increase difficulty)
this.speed += 0.001 // this number may seem very, very small, but it adds up, very, very quickly
// Add target if under limit and there's enough space
if (this.targets.length === 0 || this.targets.length < this.totalNumTargets && < 100 - 100/this.totalNumTargets)
// Bring the targets closer, according to the speed
this.targets.forEach(target => target.distance -= this.speed);
// Check whether the player's pose matches the first target
this.targets[0].poseMatches = this.playerMatchesTargetPose()
if (this.targets[0].poseMatches) {
if (this.targets[0].distance < 10) {
this.recentlyClearedTarget = this.targets.splice(0, 1)[0] // Remove the target from the array
this.recentlyClearedTarget.clearedAt = frameCount;, 1, soundEffectVolume)
// Remove missed targets and penalise the player
} else if (this.targets[0].distance < 0) {
if (this.lives > 1) {
// Lose live
this.recentlyClearedTarget = this.targets.splice(0, 1)[0] // Remove the target from the array
this.recentlyClearedTarget.clearedAt = frameCount;, 1, soundEffectVolume)
} else {
// Game over
if (score > highScore) highScore = score, 1, soundEffectVolume)
draw() {
// Draw the background
// Sky
image(, 0, 0, width, width *
// Grass?
rect(0, height/2, width, height/2)
// Path / road
// fill("#a06847")
triangle(100, height, width-100, height, width/2, height/2)
// Draw the scaled elements (background, targets, etc) (ones that appear to come closer to the screen)
// Draw the targets
// translate(width/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.width * webcamScaleFactor, height/2 - 0.5 * webcamVideo.height * webcamScaleFactor)
// scale(webcamScaleFactor)
translate(width/2, height/2)
// Draw each of the targets (reversed, as we need to draw them back to front)
this.targets.toReversed().forEach(target => {
scale(webcamScaleFactor * (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - min((1-target.distance/100)**1, 1))) * 0.9); // Easing function from // map(target.distance, 100, 0, 0, 0.9)
if (this.playerMatchesTargetPose())
tint(0, 196, 0, map(target.distance, 10, 0, 255, 0, true))
tint(196, 0, 0, map(target.distance, 10, 0, 255, 0, true))
image(target.image, -target.image.width/2, -target.image.height/2)
// Draw the player's pose
// Draw the UI / HUD
// Score & Lives
fill(0, 128)
rect(50, 50, 250, 200, 32)
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER)
text("Score: " + score, 75, 100)
text("Lives: " + this.lives, 75, 175)
// Upcoming Pose
translate(width - webcamVideo.width/2 - 50, 50)
if (frameCount - (this.recentlyClearedTarget?.clearedAt ?? -10) < 10) {
if (this.recentlyClearedTarget.poseMatches) fill(lerpColor(color(0, 255, 0, 128), color(0, 128), (frameCount - this.recentlyClearedTarget.clearedAt)/10))
else fill(lerpColor(color(255, 0, 0, 128), color(0, 128), (frameCount - this.recentlyClearedTarget.clearedAt)/10))
} else fill(0, 128)
rect(-100, 0, webcamVideo.width/2 + 100, webcamVideo.height/2 + 100 + 50, 32)
text("Upcoming Pose", -100, 0, webcamVideo.width/2 + 100, 100)
translate(-100/2, 100)
if (this.targets.length > 0) {
if (this.playerMatchesTargetPose())
tint(0, 196, 0, map(this.targets[0].distance, 10, 0, 255, 0, true))
tint(196, 0, 0, map(this.targets[0].distance, 10, 0, 255, 0, true))
image(this.targets[0].image, 0, 0, webcamVideo.width/2, webcamVideo.height/2)
// Mini player pose
// Iterate through all the poses
for (let pose of detectedPoses) {
// Draw the skeleton connections
for (let skeletalConnection of skeletalConnections) {
let pointA = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[0]];
let pointB = pose.keypoints[skeletalConnection[1]];
// Only draw a line if we have confidence in both points
if (pointA.confidence > 0.25 && pointB.confidence > 0.25) {
strokeWeight(this.characterThickness*1 + 1);
line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
strokeWeight(this.characterThickness*1 - 1);
line(pointA.x, pointA.y, pointB.x, pointB.y);
// Iterate through all the keypoints for each pose
for (let keypoint of pose.keypoints) {
// Only draw a circle if the keypoint's confidence is greater than 0.25
if (keypoint.confidence > 0.25) {
circle(keypoint.x, keypoint.y, this.characterThickness*1);
class Transition {
constructor(scene1Name, scene2Name, style = "slash", instantiateNewScene = true) {
if (instantiateNewScene) scenes[scene2Name] = new scenes.classes[scene2Name](); // Interestingly, since these classes don't take any arguments, the parenthesis is optional, but we should still include it for convention.
this.scene1Name = scene1Name
this.scene1 = scenes[scene1Name]
this.scene2Name = scene2Name
this.scene2 = scenes[scene2Name] = style
this.currentFrameIndex = 0
this.totalFrames = (
style in images.transitions // For any image based ones
? images.transitions[style].overlays?.length ?? images.transitions[style].masks?.length ?? 0 // Returns length of overlays, if it exists, otherwise length of masks, if it exists, otherwise 0
: -1 // style === "..." and so on, for coded/manually defined ones
sounds.transitions[].play(0, 1, soundEffectVolume) // Play transition sound effect
update() {
if (frameCount % images.transitions[].drawEveryNthFrame === 0) this.currentFrameIndex++;
if (this.currentFrameIndex >= this.totalFrames - 1) scenes.switchTo(this.scene2Name)
draw() {
// For any image based ones
if ( in images.transitions) {
// If there are masks, draw the 1st scene with the mask applied, over the 2nd scene
if (images.transitions[].masks) {
let scene1Image = get();
image(scene1Image, 0, 0)
// If there are overlays, draw them (on top)
if (images.transitions[].overlays) {
image(images.transitions[].overlays[this.currentFrameIndex], 0, 0, width, height)
// Scenes
let scenes = {
mainMenu: null,
onboarding: null,
game: null,
transition: null,
current: undefined,
currentName: undefined,
// ^ scenes above | helpers below v
classes: {
mainMenu: MainMenu,
onboarding: Onboarding,
game: Game,
transition: Transition
switchTo: function(sceneName, instantiateScene = false) {
if (instantiateScene) this[sceneName] = new this.classes[sceneName]();
this.current = this[sceneName];
this.currentName = sceneName;
transitionTo: function(sceneName, style, instantiateNewScene) { // No default args specified here, as they already are in the Transition class
this.current = this.transition = new Transition(this.currentName, sceneName, style, instantiateNewScene);
this.currentName = "transition";
// III. Function definitions
function measurePlayerBodyInfo() {
if (detectedPoses.length === 0) return;
let newPlayerBodyInfo = {};
newPlayerBodyInfo["nose y-value"] = detectedPoses[0].nose.y
newPlayerBodyInfo["shoulder-shoulder length"] = dist(detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.x, detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.y, detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.x, detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.y)
let shoulderMidpoint = {
x: (detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.x + detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.x)/2,
y: (detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.y + detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.y)/2
newPlayerBodyInfo["nose-shoulder midpoint length"] = dist(detectedPoses[0].nose.x, detectedPoses[0].nose.y, shoulderMidpoint.x, shoulderMidpoint.y)
let hipMidpoint = {
x: (detectedPoses[0].left_hip.x + detectedPoses[0].right_hip.x)/2,
y: (detectedPoses[0].left_hip.y + detectedPoses[0].right_hip.y)/2
newPlayerBodyInfo["shoulder midpoint-hip midpoint length"] = dist(shoulderMidpoint.x, shoulderMidpoint.y, hipMidpoint.x, hipMidpoint.y)
let leftShoulderToElbowLength = dist(detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.x, detectedPoses[0].left_shoulder.y, detectedPoses[0].left_elbow.x, detectedPoses[0].left_elbow.y)
let rightShoulderToElbowLength = dist(detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.x, detectedPoses[0].right_shoulder.y, detectedPoses[0].right_elbow.x, detectedPoses[0].right_elbow.y)
newPlayerBodyInfo["shoulder-elbow length"] = (leftShoulderToElbowLength + rightShoulderToElbowLength)/2
let leftElbowToWristLength = dist(detectedPoses[0].left_elbow.x, detectedPoses[0].left_elbow.y, detectedPoses[0].left_wrist.x, detectedPoses[0].left_wrist.y)
let rightElbowToWristLength = dist(detectedPoses[0].right_elbow.x, detectedPoses[0].right_elbow.y, detectedPoses[0].right_wrist.x, detectedPoses[0].right_wrist.y)
newPlayerBodyInfo["elbow-wrist length"] = (leftElbowToWristLength + rightElbowToWristLength)/2
return newPlayerBodyInfo;
// IV. p5's functions
function preload() {
// Load the bodyPose model
bodyPose = ml5.bodyPose({
modelType: "SINGLEPOSE_THUNDER", // Singlepose (instead of multipose) to only track 1 person, and thunder (instead of lightning) for higher accuracy
enableSmoothing: true,
flipped: true
sounds = {
transitions: {
slash: loadSound("/assets/sounds/transitions/slash.mp3")
pointScored: loadSound("/assets/sounds/point scored.mp3"),
liveLost: loadSound("/assets/sounds/live lost.mp3"),
gameOver: loadSound("/assets/sounds/game over.mp3")
images = {
bgs: {
mainMenu: loadImage("/assets/images/bgs/mainMenu.jpg"),
sky: loadImage("/assets/images/bgs/sky.png")
transitions: {
slash: {
masks: [
// Yes, I know, this is horrid. I should ideally use a function
drawEveryNthFrame: 1,
resetPopup: loadImage("/assets/images/resetPopup.png"),
resetDonePopup: loadImage("/assets/images/resetDonePopup.png")
function setup() {
createCanvas(RES_W, RES_H);
// Create the webcamVideo and hide it
webcamVideo = createCapture(VIDEO, {flipped: true});
webcamVideo.size(640, 480);
// Set webcamScaleFactor based on the screen and webcam's aspect ratios
if (ASPECT_RATIO > webcamVideo.width / webcamVideo.height)
webcamScaleFactor = height / webcamVideo.height;
webcamScaleFactor = width / webcamVideo.width;
// Start detecting poses in the webcam webcamVideo
bodyPose.detectStart(webcamVideo, results => detectedPoses = results);
// Get the skeleton connection information
skeletalConnections = bodyPose.getSkeleton();
// Start the main menu
scenes.switchTo("mainMenu", true);
function draw() {
if (bodyPoseStarted) {
} else if (detectedPoses.length > 0) {
bodyPoseStarted = true;
// Disable loading element
let loadingElement = document.getElementById("loading-element") = 0; = `translateY(${-RES_H}px)`;
setTimeout(() => = "none", 5000);
} else {
document.getElementById("loading-text").innerHTML = "Waiting for pose detection to start...<p style='font-size: 0.5em'>(this freezes the browser and takes a while... :/<br>please be patient and ensure the camera is enabled!)</p>";
function keyPressed() {
if (key === "f") fullscreen(!fullscreen()) // Toggle fullscreen
else scenes.current.keyPressed?.() // Run keyPressed method of current scene, if it exists