let circleSize = 1;
let startFrame = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw() {
radius = 150 * circleSize;
// Grow and shrink the circle based on keyboard input
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
circleSize += 0.01;
} else if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW) && circleSize > 0) {
circleSize -= 0.01;
// Only draw the circle, if the mouse is pressed
if (mouseIsPressed) {
innerCircleAngle = frameCount/2000 + 1000.4 // just a nice starting angle, but animated over time
// Let the starting animation play, then transition the outer circle to have a greater width quicker, then go to a slow rate of change
outerCircleAngle = frameCount - startFrame < 250
? (frameCount - startFrame)/2000
: frameCount - startFrame < 550
? lerp((frameCount - startFrame)/2000, (frameCount - startFrame)/4000 + 0.75, (frameCount - startFrame - 250)/300)
: (frameCount - startFrame)/4000 + 0.75
num = min(round((frameCount - startFrame)/2), 50) // Initial entry animation: The number of lines gradually increase till 50.
translate(mouseX, mouseY) // Draw the circle at the mouse, to follow it.
scale(min((frameCount - startFrame)/25, circleSize)) // Initial entry animation: The circle scales up to the final size.
// Draw inner circle
for (let i=0; i<num; i++) {
innerCircleX1 = cos(innerCircleAngle * (i-1)) * radius
innerCircleY1 = sin(innerCircleAngle * (i-1)) * radius
innerCircleX2 = cos(innerCircleAngle * i) * radius
innerCircleY2 = sin(innerCircleAngle * i) * radius
// Draw cool glow effect
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 32;
drawingContext.shadowColor = "rgb(255, 0, 64)";
// Draw the 1st layer of lines
stroke(255, 0, 64)
line(innerCircleX1, innerCircleY1, innerCircleX2, innerCircleY2)
// Disable the glow effect (besides, it's a performance killer!)
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0;
// Draw the 2nd layer of lines
stroke(255, 0, 255)
line(innerCircleX1, innerCircleY1, innerCircleX2, innerCircleY2)
// Draw the 3rd layer of lines
line(innerCircleX1, innerCircleY1, innerCircleX2, innerCircleY2)
// Draw outer circle
rotate(-8*radians(frameCount/2)) // Make it spin the other way, and much faster
for (let i=0; i<num; i++) {
outerCircleX1 = cos(outerCircleAngle * (i-1)) * radius * 1.5
outerCircleY1 = sin(outerCircleAngle * (i-1)) * radius * 1.5
outerCircleX2 = cos(outerCircleAngle * i) * radius * 1.5
outerCircleY2 = sin(outerCircleAngle * i) * radius * 1.5
// Draw cool glow effect
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 32;
drawingContext.shadowColor = "rgb(255, 0, 192)";
// Draw the 1st layer of lines
stroke(255, 0, 192)
line(outerCircleX1, outerCircleY1, outerCircleX2, outerCircleY2)
// Disable the glow effect (besides, it's a performance killer!)
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0;
// Draw the 2nd layer of lines
stroke(255, 0, 255)
line(outerCircleX1, outerCircleY1, outerCircleX2, outerCircleY2)
// Draw the 3rd layer of lines
line(outerCircleX1, outerCircleY1, outerCircleX2, outerCircleY2)
// Store the frame the user clicked the mouse, for the entry animation
function mousePressed(event) {
startFrame = frameCount;
// Resize the canvas (no need to preserve the aspect ratio this time)
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight)